Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Shared Lunch & Final Notes

A reminder that there will be a shared lunch to farewell Thomas tomorrow, starting at 12:30.  A picnic under the trees will probably be the venue.

Thank you to those people who collected their children's art work after the Prize Giving today, and Jayne who did the climbing to get those high pictures down.  Some people have already collected their books and art, everyone else's will come home tomorrow.

Library Books:
Please have another check:

  •  Joshua: "Down By the Cool of the Pool
  • Charlie: "The Time Machine"
  • Olivia: "Learning About Beading, Toy Theatre, Gymnastics"
  • Jacqui: "Poppy's Secret Christmas, Cool Circuits and Wicked Wires, Neptune's Nursery"
  • Ana: "Olivia the Orchard Fairy, Danny the Champion of the World, Danielle the Daisy Fairy"
  • Rhianna: "Love to Draw Baby Animals"
  • Dani: " The Pharaohs of .., The Great Bible Discovery"
  • Nicolas: "Beauty and the Beast: the graphic novel"
  • Sully: "The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe, Thirteen"
  • Thomas P: "Northern Lights, Sands of the Scorpion"
  • Caity: "Adventure Stories"
  • Bobbie: "The 39 Steps, Diplo-dizzydocus"
  • Annajhay: "Scout"
Putting the titles here may prompt some memories as to where they have been seen. Some of these books have been missing for a while, but others have been taken out in the last 2 or 3 weeks.  If they could come back asap, that would be much appreciated. 

Congratulations Room 3

So proud of how you all led the junior kapahaka, sang the Room 3 & 4 songs beautifully and took your best manners to the prize giving this afternoon even though it was hot and quite long.

Congratulations, Ella on your award as the most improved swimmer.  Of the new academic awards this year, the Year 2 diligence award was won by Grace and the Years 1 - 3 Literacy Award was won by Sophia.  These new awards were in response to parents feeling that there is a need to recognise excellence not only in sporting endeavours.  Needless to say these were hard decisions to be made by staff.

Monday, 15 December 2014

Week 10 Term 4

Congratulations Room 3 on your leadership of Friday's mass. So very proud of you and so pleased that so many of your parents were able to join us in this celebration.

Dates for this week:


  • Picnic Lunch 12:15 - Room 1 & 2 hamburgers - a huge number of orders in.  I hope that you have done this already
  • Prize Giving 1:15 - in the church - it was agreed that it was just too hot last year & as we are a sun smart school we can't be out sitting in the sun.
  • Graduation Mass 6pm - mass followed by Year 8 presentations, new entrant bibles, Sisters of Mercy prizes.  Please come in full summer uniform and sit behind Room 2 on the Killarney St side of the church.  We have a special song to sing to the Year 8's.
  • Shared lunch for Thomas Mitchell - we will eat at 12:30.  We will also thank Loretta for all her help in Room 3 at this time.
  • School finishes at 2:55 pm

Library Books: 
Thank you to everyone who has looked hard and located books that have been on holiday under beds or in home book shelves.  There are still quite a few outstanding.  I will try again to print these out so that those with outstanding books have a title to take home. 

Classes for 2015 are posted in the office area.
I will send all books home with students. All the year 2 students have a writing book that we did not use this year as the school process for writing has changed from what Mrs Williams did last year.  This book can be used again next year.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the support you have given your children with their learning and myself  as their teacher this year.  Everyone should be very proud of the progress they have made both academically and with their self management as a learner.

Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday with family and friends.  We all look forward to hearing about the new family arrivals over this time.


Saturday, 13 December 2014


Rooms 1 & 2 are selling hamburgers, pink lemonade and ice creams on Wednesday at the picnic lunch.  Order forms went home at the end of last week - one to each family, and need to be in to the office by Tuesday morning at the latest.
This is a fundraiser for sandpit toys, so please support it. A perfect idea when everyone is so busy - makes the picnic lunch an easy option.

Maths Problem Solving

Tangram Christmas Trees with a buddy.
  • ·      Use the 7 tangram shapes to make different Christmas trees.
  • ·      Keep trying until we can make each shape
  • ·      Help each other

Got the top bit, now how can we do the bottom bit and use all the pieces left over?

Two heads are better than one.

Team work

Thank You For The Wonderful Art Work This Year Mrs Donaldson

Our colourful butterflies which have brightened the classroom since the end of last term.

Despite it being the second last week, Frosty the snow man art work is up in the corridor.  This amazing art was made with shaving cream and PVA - it feels wonderfully soft like marshmallow as well as giving the corridor that "freshly shaved smell" - much better than smelly shoes and socks.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Week 9 Term 4

Flat out like a lizard drinking!!  Can't believe where this term has gone.

In brief:

Eisteddfods: many people had put so much effort in to these - well done.  A few people need to work on getting ready and think about their song from the beginning of the term - a form of "advent" really. In term 4 singing eisteddfods are coming - time to get ready.
Eisteddfod Assembly 1:30 in the hall on Thursday: Representing Year 2 are: Grace, Keira and Caity, who will do a duet with Lars - both had the same song and both chosen.  What is the probability of that?  Representing Year 3 from our room is Harry.
Friday 12th Mass: yes it's our turn at 12:00.  There are so many people wanting to lead - most have a special job and the rest of us are going to lead with our fabulous voices. We would love for you to join us at the last school Friday mass.  I am very proud of how everyone has stepped up and feels comfortable to take part.
Library Books: by Friday please, then I'll get a print off of what we still have lurking in the classroom or at home.
As I didn't manage to collect enough bottles for our junior school rotation Christmas activities, I will try to do this just with the class if there is a chance. This activity uses recycled stuff - as Ben Whitaker's song goes "old stuff, new stuff". Old Christmas cards, wrapping paper - doesn't matter if it is ripped.
Musical Instruments: any still in Room 3 by Friday will be put in the skip.  The selection is slowly dwindling.
Art work: will come off the walls next week. If there is some that you want to make sure gets home safely, please pop in and we can arrange that.  Mrs Donaldson has certainly excelled herself during CRT time this year.  I really appreciate it.  There are treasures to be saved.
Camp $10: could everyone please make sure that this is settled by the end of the week to help Mrs Bennie.  If you did not receive an invoice, you are paid up.
Shared lunch for Thomas: the calendar is so full, and this has crept up on me, so it will have to be Thursday 18th - we'll eat at 12:30, so that we have plenty of time to play.

Friday, 5 December 2014

Camp Photos

Half time at the movies - popcorn with our friends

Good night everyone - sleep tight.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Plates From Wharenui Visit

We brought all the plates back from Dunstan High School and these are on the bench in the staffroom.  There are some beautiful plates which I'm sure people will need over the holidays.  Please check and collect yours.
I hope that they are only the plates from our parents, as the Dunstan High School girls were not sure about some of them, after they had taken theirs.

Maths - using doubles

WALT: use doubles to work out word problems greater than 10.

Which double would you use? Tell your buddy.

1.            There were 8 lollipops in a jar and James put in another 7.  How many lollipops are in the jar now?

2.           If there were 6 horses in a field and 5 more joined them.  How many horses are there in the field now?

3.           If there were 9 soccer balls in the bag and Sully put another 8 in.  How many soccer balls are there altogether? 

1+1=2      2+2=4     3+3=6    4+4=8    5+5=10

6+6=12    7+7=14   8+8=16   9+9=18   10+10=20

Do you know all these doubles?  Learn them so you can use them to solve problems.

Week 8 Term 4

What a great time we had at camp last week and the weather held beautifully for us.  Thank you so much to everyone for your help - "many hands makes light work" was certainly the case over the last 2 days of week 7. There are a couple of photos on the room 1 & 2 blog.
Eisteddfod Song: most people have thought about what they will sing for the eisteddfod next week.  It's perfect to sing something that we have done as a class - I think there will be quite a few Maori songs - everyone seems to have really enjoyed these.  Yesterday they sang them to Father Vaughan Hook who was visiting the school while Father Pat was away fishing.  He brought his guitar along and we all enjoyed a great sing-song with him.  Father Vaughan couldn't believe the confidence and musicality in Room 3.  Eisteddfods will be marked on singing in tune, choosing a song that suits the child's voice, people being able to hear the words clearly and the song being suitable for the age group.  A nursery rhyme is fine. If  anything is known about the person who wrote the song, it would be interesting to introduce the song - this is not a requirement for the year 2 song. I will post what the year 3 & 4 requirement is in regards to this.
Musical Instruments: there are still some amazing inventions in Room 3, please arrange to collect these before the end of next week. Any that are still in the classroom after this time, I will presume are not to be taken home.
Popcorn Maker: I still have one popcorn maker & have asked as many people as possible if it is theirs.  I should have written down who I borrowed them from.  Sorry.
Library Books: it is time again to check under the bed or in your bookshelves for any school library books. We will be going to the library on Friday to change books - this will be the last time for the year, as I then need to get all books back for the stocktake.
Assembly: 2:10 on Friday - Room 4 will be leading this and they have lots of camp stuff to share.  Seems so long ago this camp, but this is the first opportunity they have had to share.  Thank you to the Year 3 parents who provided photos for Mrs Ward's i-movie.
Advent: is the RE theme.  We have been talking about Advent meaning "coming" and that we are waiting for Jesus coming at Christmas. We are colouring advent wreaths with 3 purple, 1 rose and 1 white candle, and have talked about what each of the candles means. We are displaying these in our window for everyone to enjoy as a reminder of what this season is about.
Plastic Lemonade Bottles: I would like to collect as many of these as I can - the green sprite ones are excellent.  We will use these as part of our Christmas crafts to make Christmas baskets and a toy - no waste at all. All you'll need to get is a ball.
Old Christmas paper or cards (recycled) would also be appreciated.  Having checked my "stuff" in my cupboard I see that I was more ruthless than I thought when throwing "could be useful" stuff out before I shifted classrooms.  You can usually find most things in Mrs Beilby's storeroom!!
Year 2 Camp Payments $10: Mrs Bennie would like to tidy up lots of ledgers this week - she would be grateful if all this money could be in to the office. If anyone has a problem please speak with me.
Friday 12th December 12:00: Room 3 will be leading mass, we would love you to join us.
Year 3 & 4 Cricket: practice on Thursday this week and the Saturday game is at St Gerards.
PTA Christmas Hamper: our Room 3 box of packet items is looking good - thank you everyone for supporting this. Could all cards please be back to the office by Friday, even if you have not sold all the numbers. At this time of year PTA members are busy like everyone else and having to ring round to get cards back can be just one more job. Thank you for attending to this.


  1. Spelling: a mixture of words this week revising spelling patterns.
  2. Reading: please record what you are reading in your reading log.  Many people this week are working on presenting reviews about a book on an i-pad app, so they do not have a new book each night. I do expect that they are reading a book of their choice.
  3. Maths: we are working on knowing our doubles to 10, doubles to 20 and using this knowledge to solve word problems.  Eg: If there were 9 dogs in the kennels and a farmer brought 8 more to be looked after, how many dogs would there be at the kennels altogether?   Which doubles fact would you use to solve this. There are 2 options: 9+9=18 then take away 1, or 8+8=16 then add 1.  

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Wharenui Visit Thank You

Wow! What can I say.
Thank you so much for your generosity with kai (food) for the shared lunch. Richard the Dunstan High School teacher could not believe his eyes, as his worry had been that traditionally the host (his class) provides this as part of the powhiri.  His students laid the tables before we started the formal part of the welcome and it looked wonderful to come in to.
Thank you so much to everyone who came with us to take part in the learning, and especially Mrs Eastwood, Mrs Fonseca and Mrs Donaldson who transported the food and gear.
It was equally wonderful that Mrs Maria O'Neill could be there with us as Hayvin's Grandma, but also as the senior member of our school's Maori Community. I really appreciate this support and involvement as we try to provide authentic learning experiences, and our Maori community are the people with those skills.
We must also thank Ms Tamati who has helped us with our kapahaka and has advised on protocol.  Due to other teaching commitments she was unable to attend with us.  Thank you Ann for stepping in to those shoes and guiding us through the experience.
All in all it was an exciting learning experience for us all.  This learning, is part of the school's Maori plan, and will happen every even year for the junior school.  On Friday I learned that the wharenui was fully equipped with mattresses and a super kitchen and toilet facilities, so perhaps we could think about sleeping there for the overnight camp.  Food for thought. Next year we review our camps - this would be the time for parents to suggest this if you felt it would be worthwhile.

Great job to all the children who stepped up today to leadership roles.  We are all very proud of you, particularly to Bobbie and Thomas Patrick who stepped up this morning to speak, so that we could sing all 3 of our songs.  Something that I didn't know until this morning was that someone speaks then there is a song, so we couldn't do our 3 songs one after another, and we could only have boys speak.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Week 7 Term 4

A little belated posting this week, but all information has gone home in hard copy.

Thank you Dani for reading so superbly at Monday Morning Prayer, to Keira who practised lighting candles over the weekend and Harry who supported her at prayer.

A wee surprise party today from the class - thank you so much, you are such great learners and I love teaching you all.  Today Mrs Donaldson has done some amazing art work with shaving cream and PVA glue.  We have a little to finish, then we can display them.  Thank you for your creativity with art this year Mrs Donaldson.

I have completed all the reading, writing and maths assessment for the year, and I am now catching up with the reports.  It is great to see people at interviews - remember that this is the time for your child to come too and show you all the things that they are proud of.  We still have the end of year spelling assessment, which will be early next week. It is fantastic to see so many people using their spelling skills in their writing as well as getting their words correct each week.

Year 3 girls have taken home a note about a Girls Self Defence Course that will be held here at school on Tuesday 2nd December.  If you need more information about this please contact Mrs Ward.

All of Room 3 will be visiting the wharenui tomorrow.  On Friday the year 3's will join Room 4 for the day,

NO SAUSAGE ORDERS TOMORROW please as we will be at Dunstan High School.

I hear that there are other people intending to walk to the high school with us tomorrow - that will be great.  I'm sure that the wharenui will hold us all.  Let's hope that the weather holds.

Have a BIG SLEEP tonight as I fear that tomorrow night may be a somewhat shorter one.

Camp begins at 5:30 on Thursday evening (tomorrow) with a BYO picnic tea.  Please remember that we are a nut free school.

Getting excited.  Junior school camp is a whole new experience for me too!!

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Information About Wharenui Visit - Thursday

Visit to the Dunstan High School Wharenui

Monday 24th November

Dear Parents,
On Thursday Rooms 1, 2 and 3 (this will include the 6 year 3's) will be visiting the wharenui at Dunstan High school as part of their Maori learning.

We will be leaving school at 12:00, straight after playtime. Thank you to the parents and grandparents who have offered to walk to and from the high school with us; Kate Donaldson, Sue Brydges, Catherine Hill, Helen Ryan, Elisabeth (Jelena’s Grandma), Alana Melvin and Rachael Baxter.

When we arrive at the wharenui we will be called into the building by someone and Ann, a resource person from the Maori community will call back on our behalf.  We will then walk slowly in, with the girls and women going first and sitting down, followed by the boys who will sit at the front.
A Dunstan High School class will welcome us with their teacher Mr Richard Ferguson. Tadhg Reilly will say his mihimihi as our speaker, then we will sing as a group with Sully Love being our leader.

Our koha (gift) will be a plate of food for a shared lunch from each family please. Mrs Eastwood has offered to deliver these plates to the high school, if they are dropped at school before 12, otherwise could you please arrange to drop these at the wharenui, so that we can eat about 12:45.

This is intended as a powhiri learning experience.

Following kai (lunch), we will be making “sticks” and learning a stick game with Ann.  Each child will need to bring 2 old magazines for this activity.  We will provide tape and rubber bands.

Children will need to be sure that they are wearing correct school uniform, have their hi-viz jacket, a sunhat and bring a jacket in case the weather is cooler. Please be sure to bring your own drink bottle.

We will leave the wharenui at 2pm so that everyone will be back at school in time for buses.

Julie, Sue and Chris

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Monday Morning Whole School Prayer

It is our turn to be the leaders on Monday. Dani is reading, Harry and Keira are setting the prayer table, lighting the candle and asking us to bless ourselves.  We will be leading the singing.
It would be lovely to have you join us at 8:55 in the church.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Years 1 & 2 Camp Information

Oops - we were so busy showing Mrs Donaldson our Kapahaka that I forgot to give out the information and gear list for the camp next week - so here it is.  I caught some people so you may already have a hard copy of this.

I have 6 forms returned from people who can help, I know that some people have returned theirs to Julie or Sue.  If there is anyone else able to help please return your form by tomorrow (Friday).

Location: St Gerards School

  • meeting at 5:30pm at school on Thursday 27th November for a family picnic tea. BYO tea
  • Activities/ice cream/movies
  • Supper
  • Breakfast - preparing breakfast together
  • Tidy up hall and pack bags
Location: Molyneux Aquatic Centre / Playground
  • Walk to park & pool 10am
  • Swimming 11:30 am
  • BBQ Lunch 12:00
  • Bus back to school 1:45
Location: St Gerards School
  • Quiet time 2:00

Dear Parents,
The gear list for camp next Thursday evening 27th November is as follows:
  • Room 1 - fresh fruit
  • Room 2 - packet of biscuits or home baking
  • Room 3 - loaf of bread
  • Water bottle
  • Bed Roll
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Pillow
  • Pyjamas
  • Tooth brush & tooth paste/hairbrush/facecloth
  • Underwear
  • Change of clothing
  • Jacket
  • Swimming togs and towel in a bag suitable to take to the pool
  • Sun hat / Sun screen
  • Utensils - plate & cup
  • Shoes - suitable for outdoor activities
Please name your belongings

Julie, Sue & Chris

Monday, 17 November 2014

Week 6 Term 4

Have had trouble doing this from home this week, so sorry for the late post.
Camp: notices have gone home with children.  This is next Thursday night - it seemed so far away.  Thank you to those people who have already returned theirs.
Celebrate a Saint Day: is on Friday.  Dress as your favourite saint and be able to tell a little about this person and why you chose them. There will be a parade on the court at 11:10.
Walk and Wheel Fun Day: is also on Friday.  Please wear sports clothes under your dress up outfit and bring your "wheels" to school - scooters etc.  There will be fun activities run by the Walk & Wheel co-ordinators. Helmets are required.
Assembly: Celebrate A Saint - run by Rooms 1 & 2.  This will start slightly later than usual due to the fun activities., 2:20 - 2:30ish.
Popcorn Maker: I still have one here at school and I can't remember who it belongs to, sorry.  Could you please collect it, if it is yours?
PTA Christmas Hamper Raffle: card per family has gone home this week.  Our PTA do so much to support our school financially, making sure that your children get the best of everything. Please support them by selling your card and remembering to bring something to add to the hamper. Room 3 need to bring a packet of something. This can be placed in the carton in the foyer.  Thank you so much to those people who have already done this.
Feel like some entertainment?  The Cassidy School of Dance has a show entitled "Magic Moments" which will be performed at 1:30 and 3pm on Sunday 23rd November at the Memorial Theatre.  Seats are $10 - at the door.
Shoes: please check the school website before buying shoes for the summer.  There are a few items being worn that are not regulation.

  1. Reading: some groups are reading chapter books - this reading needs to be recorded in the reading log at the back of the homework book. Last week there were only 5 books handed in to the homework tray.  I was on release and forgot to remind everyone.
  2. Spelling: this week we are looking at the long 'u' sound and its spelling patterns - be sure to tool and say the words clearly so that the sounds can be recorded in order.
  3. Mihimihi: keep working on being able to say yours, so that you can present this when we visit the wharenui on Thursday. We are also working on some waiata that we can share.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Friday 14th - Homework Books

What a fantastic job everyone did at the park today - I was amazed at how well you all remembered the words to the musical songs.  Well done.

Please have your homework book at school tomorrow. This means that on Monday we can all start the week with our spelling (for weeks 6 & 7) all glued in.

Mrs Lyon will be teaching in Room 3 tomorrow while I complete testing in preparation for reports and end of year data for Mrs Eastwood.  I know Sophia is really looking forward to having her mum as the teacher, especially as Ollie has already had his turn!

Remember that next Friday is Saint Dress Up Day - have you chosen who you will dress up as?  Don't forget that you need to be able to tell us a little bit about your saint.  We have been learning about olden days saints like St Mary, St John the Baptist, St Luke, St Peter, some a little more recent like St Francis of Assisi 1181 and this week we have been learning about Mother Teresa who died in 1997 aged 87.

Have a great weekend.  Enjoy your sport, you cricket and tennis players.

Lost Property

I have put a pile of stuff that has been in the Room 3 lost property box into the main box along with jackets and jerseys that are not named, and no-one has claimed.
I have a pair of boys shorts on my table (not named) that were the result of the mix up of clothes with Bobbie, Tadhg and Mika after the dress rehearsal at the theatre.  If you are missing shorts, please ask.  Apparently they don't belong to any of these boys.  Will give them to the PTA if no-one claims them.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Week 5 Term 4

Thank you to those of you who were able to join us for assembly on Friday. The children could have used the whole afternoon with all that they wanted included in the assembly.  We talked about what we could share on Monday. Well done everyone - very proud of you all.
This week is Thyme Festival, we are booked to look at the exhibits on Tuesday afternoon, so I would like to take the class down at 12:00 to enjoy the Lunchtime Concert - Free -  Dunstan High School Junior Performing Arts, Year 9/10 music students. Amazing talent. Music, Drama & Dance. We will take our lunches (weather permitting) then look around the activities on offer, children's Art Exhibition (have you seen the art on the front windows of the school? - they are the entries from our school), artists working with students, scarecrows, enviro tent, scavenger hunt in Central Stories Museum and to look at Kopuwai and read the Maori legend attached to this.  We all say "Ko Kopuwai te maunga" in our mihimihi. (our mountain). Are there some parents able to accompany us to this event please?
On Thursday the whole school will be performing at the lunchtime concert.  We will be singing 3 songs from the musical. There's A Party Here Tonight, Not All It's Cracked Up To Be and Happy Ever After.  Please sing over these for homework so that you know all the words.  Happy ever After sounded fantastic at assembly.
I will be attending a maths course on Thursday afternoon - at this stage Mrs Eastwood will be bringing the class back from the park, and I have a day for maths testing on Friday - we welcome Mrs Lyon to Room 3.
Reading: I have a different reading programme working with 2 of my more able reading groups.  I see them twice a week, where we discuss what we are reading, question each other and delve into the deeper meaning of the texts. One of these groups also does "reciprocal reading" where they manage the group reading themselves by using an instruction sheet with questions and the process.  If anyone wants to see how this works please pop in to the classroom and I'm happy to share the process. These people may be bringing home a book from their browse box or they may choose to be reading their library book - I would still like to see what they are reading in their reading logs.
Spelling: "ou" sound. Hard to keep this programme going when I only have 17 out of 24 homework books at school on Friday.  Each spelling sheet has 2 week's spelling on it - we tool the spelling on Fridays, so 7 people have not got this completed as we head into the new week.  Very time consuming trying to catch up on people, as I want to see all lists before they go home.  I am also on duty on Monday lunch times. Some help with this would be really appreciated.
Mihimihi: please work hard on these as we are preparing to visit the wharenui at Dunstan High School on Thursday 27th.
Singing Eisteddfods: Room 3 will be presenting these on Monday 8th December.

Another busy week. The term is flying.