Sunday, 29 June 2014

Year 3 & 4 Camp Update

Year 3/4 Camp:

Mrs Ward and I met on Friday afternoon to look at the parent responses.  
Thank you to all 6 parents in Room 3 who had their permission slips back. 

We are very fortunate that so many parents are available to come to camp 
– thank you so much for your support. At this stage there will comfortably 
be enough parents to fill our ratio of 1 adult to 3 children. We cannot, however, 
make a final decision about this until Mrs Ward has heard from everyone.

For the Room 4 children who have not returned their camp form, she has 
emailed these families this afternoon (Sunday), as it would be great to have 
final confirmation of their intentions, whether they are happy not to come, 
or reasons why they would particularly like to come. This is so we can 
best meet all the childrens’ needs, and respect your wishes too.

Will keep everyone posted.

What's happening Week 9?

Wow! The poetry eisteddfods that were presented this morning were fantastic.  Congratulations everyone - the choice of poems for the Room 3 audience was perfect.
We had a practice first in small groups, and gave each other suggestions for improvement based on our WALTs:    
  • Present a poem to an audience    
  • Use a clear voice
  • Listen attentively to the presentations
    We revised what we needed to do to score points and how we could help each other to have the courage to present our poems.

      Well done to those people who managed to share their poems without the need for a copy of the words - you had obviously prepared well. 

     The Poetry eisteddfod assembly will be on Thursday 3rd July at 2pm in the hall. I will post when again when the Year 2 performers are finalised.  As part of the poetry eisteddfod learning this term, we met in small groups after the eisteddfods and talked about who should represent us, using the success criteria that we had on our score sheet.  The children gave amazing feedback about voice, volume, knowing the poem by heart and also the expression used.  Thank you for your help in choosing - the class selected Caity and Sully.  I will also choose another person after I check through my notes.

      Friday Mass - Term 3: Room 3 will lead the Friday Mass 25th July - first week next term.  It would be awesome if you could share this special celebration with us.

       Holidays: wishing everyone a fantastic holiday.  Hopefully we will all get time to recover from the bugs that  seem to be floating around.


       Spelling: please work through the Spelling Alive process each night.  There is an information sheet for parents to read in the homework book. All children should be totally independent with working through the conducting, tooling, recording and checking their words.  I have written your child's score from last week and indicated which words may need more work. Last week there were a large number of homework books at home on Friday, and quite a few books where spelling had only been worked on one or two nights of the week.  Please make sure that your child has their homework book in their reading bag each day.  On a Friday as part of the Spelling programme we glue our new sheets into our homework books and do the initial tooling ready to take home on Monday.  I will not be sending loose sheets home, I need to see each person's book, so that if someone is needing help I can work with them.

      Reading: will come home every night except Monday, where the reading activity is to read The Lord's Prayer.  It would great if this prayer was learned by heart over the course of the year.  Introducing this prayer is part of our God Strand religious education this week.

     Cross Country: The school cross country will be held on Wednesday 6th August, which is in week 3 of next term.  You might want to start doing a little bit of running over the holidays, as we will only have a couple of weeks at the beginning of the term to train here at school.

EOTC Week 9

Yes, we have been flat out with both swimming and skating last week.  We book our skating times in October the previous year and meet with other schools to amicably arrange the ice times.  We try to book later in the term, so that we can be certain that there will be ice, and the seniors will have ice time to perfect their curling before the Year 7 & 8 tournament on the final day of the term.
We are sent our swim times by the pool towards the end of the first term, and this year our slot has been the last weeks of the term.
Thank you to all those parents who helped us all so much the day skating and swimming were back to back.  Skates off/ togs on with a quick bite in between was very smooth.  We couldn't have managed without you.
This week's timetable:

Monday: Skating 11 - 12
Tuesday: Swimming 12 - 12:30
Wednesday: Skating 11 - 12
Friday: Swimming 12 - 12:30

We do need a note if your child is at school but is not swimming or skating.

I have been really amazed at the progress everyone has made in both of these activities.  Feel free to pop in and see for yourselves.
We are just so lucky here to be able to access such amazing coaches.

Payment for skating is due at the office please.  It would be great if it was all in by Wednesday to allow Mrs Bennie to tidy the 'financials' at the office.   $37 for for sessions plus the bus.

Please note that swimming coaching is provided free of charge at the pool and the bus to and from swimming is paid by the school.

Monday, 23 June 2014

What's Happening This Week? Week 8

Wow!  a really busy week ahead of us.  I thought it couldn't get any busier.
Skating: Tuesday & Thursday - see post with timetable and costs.  Please get your payment into Mrs Bennie at the school office as soon as possible so that she can get these payments processed before the end of the term.  To help get your child the correct sized skates, could you please write their skate size on their hand?

Swimming: Tuesday & Friday.  The progress that everyone is making is stunning.  If you have an opportunity to watch us, pop up to the pool.  Tuesday we swim at 12:30 and Thursday at our usual 12:00 time.  Thank you so much to the parents who come to help us with dressing.

Wednesday: We welcome Mrs Donaldson while I am released to complete testing and work on reports.

PMP: 2pm Mondays & Wednesdays - it would be great to have more parent assistance.  You can sign up on the roster outside Room 1.  Thank you to those who are already assisting with this.  It has been very successful programming this alongside PE lessons.  When working with both Rooms 3 & 4 together last week, the balls skills learnt in these PE lessons were very evident.

Assembly - Friday 27th: Room 6 will lead assembly this week.

Sunday 29th School Mass:
Please be seated by 8:55 with me at the front of the church.  It is expected that children come in school uniform.  Please bring something for the Foodbank, and a plate from each family to share for morning tea.


  • Reading: remember to record your reading in your reading logs.  Many people have moved several levels in the last couple of weeks.  Keep remembering to stop at the fullstops and think about the picture of what is happening at the end of each sentence.
  • Spelling: has been tooled and worked on ready for this week.  Go over the words each night - remember to say, sound, cover, write, then check that it is spelled correctly.  We tested last week and your child's score is recorded on their spelling sheet so that you know which words may need more tooling.  We are learning how to hear and record sounds so that we can use this skill to write words that we don't know, not how to memorise words.
  • Poetry Eisteddfod: last week we didn't have a new poem, instead we reread the poems that we have had so far this year.  We practised reading them with expression and really presenting them, in preparation for our eisteddfods next Monday.  Most people were able to tell me on Friday which poem they were going to present.  Quite exciting that some have chosen to present their own "What's In My Shoe?" poem.  Keep working on really knowing your poem off by heart.  Perform it to your cat and say it to that awesome person who you see in the mirror. If your child does not have a poem please email me and I will ensure that something comes home.  Great to see so many children self managing and sorting their poems.  


It is really hard to have a poetry and spelling programme running when the books with the sheets in are at home.  Please, poetry books go home on a Friday and come back on a Monday & homework books every day, so that I can give stickers to all who read to me before school.

Library Books - End of Term

Mrs Rendall is doing a fantastic job as our school librarian.  Last year we lost many library books which are 'somewhere in a closet'!  This year with the computer working properly we are able to keep track of the books much more closely.  I have a list of people with overdue library books.  Can you please have a really good look at home and return these to the library box as soon as possible?  You could also return these to the library on a Wednesday lunch time as the school librarians have the library open for a cosy read over the cold winter months.
Next week I'll glue the titles of the books into homework books.  Over the last couple of weeks there are several people who have 3 overdue library books so they are unable to take out a new book for the weekend - this is part of the reading programme.

Year 3 & 4 Camp - Who is coming?

It was good to see most people attend the initial Parent Consultation Meeting last Wednesday evening.  We are now moving ahead with the planning, following the discussion.

A permission form for children attending camp and whether you are available to attend as a supervising parent has gone home and needs to be back with me by Friday, so that Markelle and I know that we have sufficient assistance. As we discussed at the meeting we will be taking sufficient parents to cover our 1 adult:3 children ratio. As a parent group you have approved the full payment for these parents. If there are more parents wishing to attend, then we will look at the logistics of accommodation and transport availability and you will have the opportunity  to fundraise to cover the extra costs.

Michelle Healey agreed to be our co-ordinator on the "whole school camp fundraising group".  Those people who chose to take part in fundraising opportunities gave Michelle their email addresses on Wednesday evening.  If you were not at the meeting, but wish to do some fundraising, or if you have some wonderful ideas, please let Michelle know.  You can opt in to any opportunities that arise.

If you did not receive the camp note as you child is sick: here is a copy:

My child ____________ will be attending camp

I am able to join this trip as an accompanying parent:   Yes/No

Reasons I would like to attend (if applicable)

If I am one of the parents attending, I am willing to provide a back-up vehicle:  Yes/No

Other comments:

Name:   ___________________                                     Signed: _______________

Phone:  ____________________                                   Cellphone: _______________

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Skating and Swimming Timetable

A very busy week for us with both swimming and skating this week.

Tuesday:  Remember to wear warm skating clothes.  Children will have the opportunity at 10:30 to have a good snack before we leave school. We will bus to the rink at 10:40, have our skating lesson 11 - 12, have a snack, then our swimming lesson is at 12:30.  We bus back to school at 1:15.  It would be great to have some parents available to help with skates.

The cost for skating this year is: (please note that despite increasing costs these are the same as last year in response to schools concerns regarding increasing costs for families.)
  • Entry & Skate hire $6  ($3 entry, $3 equipment hire skates and/or stones)
  • Activity $2
 Our class costs are:
  • 4 sessions plus bus to and from the rink $37
Those with rink concessions need to have their ticket sighted by the class teacher and the teacher then records the names on the daily payment sheet. Thanks for your co-operation with this requirement.  At this stage I have seen one ticket.

 Thursday 26th June:
  • 11-12 Rm 1, 2 & 3 Skating
 Monday 30th June:                                                                         
  • 11-12 Rm 1, 2 & 3 Skating 
Wednesday 2 July:                                                                                  
  • 11-12 Rm 1, 2 & 3 Skating                                                           
 All children are to wear appropriate warm clothing such as track pants, hats and jackets – no skirts. All students need to wear gloves at all times on the ice. Years 1 – 3 students must wear a helmet, bring your own or use those provided at the rink. St Gerards School encourages the use of helmets for everyone on the ice.

Hoping that those people who have been unwell are feeling fitter and will be able to enjoy their skating lessons with Andrew.  He can't wait to work with St Gerards again, as he remembers us as the school who look after each other and are there ready to listen and learn.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Years 3 & 4 Camp Meeting

Our parent meeting for the lead-up to the Year 3/4 camp is to be held this Wednesday evening at 7 pm in Room 4. This is to discuss all information and costings so far, and to ensure that we have as accurate a number as possible for those that will be attending.
I promised you some initial information prior to the meeting, so here is an outline of the proposed schedule with approximate costings:

Time at Venue
Tuesday 2nd September
9.30 am: Depart School
1 pm: Dunedin, Moana Pool
3 pm: Arrive Otakou Marae
-       Powhiri (Welcome)
-       Dinner
-       Overnight stay
Wednesday 3rd September
9am-2pm: LEOTC Activity Programme
2pm: Depart Marae
3pm: Otago Museum
-       Activity Programme
-       Dinner
-       Overnight stay
Thursday 4th September
9.30am: Depart Museum
10.30am: Arrive Orokonui Ecosanctuary
- Activity Programme
12.30pm: Depart for Alexandra.
Approx. 3pm: Arrive home.

*At this stage the cost looks to be around $190-$200 per student. This is subject to bus/car options and lunch options being discussed at the meeting.

Main purposes of the meeting: 
·       To present timetable/activities
·       Costings
·       Discuss transport: bus plus 1 emergency vehicle as best option
·       Parent help: ratio of 1:3 is preferable
·       How school camp fundraising will work this year & ideas for fundraising.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

What's Happening this week?

It’s great to be back to the wonderful area that we live in.  Thank you all so much for such a warm welcome back.  Like anything, all good things have to come to an end and we have fabulous memories from our time away and a few new friends too. Room 3 has done some amazing learning with our special Mrs Moors – we will all miss you Mrs Moors, thank you so much and all the best for the new opportunities in Dunedin.
We welcome Mrs Donaldson to our room on Tuesday, while I am released to do testing for children’s reports and the end of term information for Mrs Eastwood.
Unfortunately our blog doesn’t recognise me again as a contributor, so a hard copy in the homework books this week and I’ll blog as soon as I can.

Swimming: Thank you so much to those parents who have come to the pool to watch the fantastic progress our class is making with their swimming and to help with dressing afterwards.  Please note that we will be swimming at 12:30 instead of 12 on Tuesday 24th – we have skating from 11 – 12 that day.

Hockey Tournament- Wednesday 18th June: As a follow up to the hockey coaching that Mrs Flannery has done with all classes, there will be an inter house hockey tournament at the Pioneer Park Turf starting at 12:30. We will be taking our lunches to eat there – please join us.

Skating: begins next week. Tuesday 24th, Thursday 26th, Monday 30th and Wednesday 2nd.  We skate from 11 – 12, will travel by bus, but welcome any help that we can get for lacing and unlacing skates. Warm mufti these days – no skirts, with gloves to be worn on the ice at all times. Helmets are also compulsory and some are available at the rink if you don’t choose to bring your own well-fitted cycle helmet. Full information will be in the newsletter this week. Our coach will again be Canadian Andrew who was here two years ago.
Yes, I have all the books in the homework tray and took the time to check out what has been happening (or not happening as has been the case for some!)
Reading: There will be a book each night – even though I am getting old and forgetful!  Please enjoy sharing this book and record the reading in the log at the back of the book.  I expect each person to bring their book bag in each morning and share a page or two of their reading with me before putting their bag in the reading bag box.  This is called self-managing.
Spelling: Everyone has a spelling list in his/her homework book.  This list is to practise tooling, conducting, hearing the clean sounds, writing the letters correctly, sitting the writing on the line, then checking with the typed word – don’t forget to cover the word as you are recording what you can hear.  Spelling is not just a ‘copying out a list to learn the words’ activity.
Poetry Eisteddfods: These will be heard in the last week of term with the Eisteddfod assembly being at 2pm on Thursday 3rd July. In class we are reviewing our poems for this year and practising up some of these again. Children may choose to say a class poem or one of their own choice. Please contact me if I can help in any way. We will be working on speaking slowly and clearly, knowing our poem by heart and using expression to make it exciting.

Finally, thank you so much to the PTA for covering the cost of RAPunzel – this was an outstanding performance – the children were totally absorbed in the story. I hope that you all heard plenty about this at the weekend. What a fantastic way to end a busy week.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

A treat for Room 3

Thank- you to Charlie and his family for the scrummy cake ! We celebrated my last day in style. I have really enjoyed my five weeks in room 3, we will be around for a bit longer but then we are moving to Dunedin. Thanks for all your support and letting me share a smile with your children


SWIMMING  tomorrow at the same time, we are going to take our lunches to the pool tomorrow so please bring a cut lunch and not a pie warmer! 

Monday, 2 June 2014

Swimming has Started!!!!

Thanks to every one that remembered after the long weekend. We will be swimming on Friday as well.