Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Help this Sunday


There is still a quantity of wood at Duncan Anderson's place that he wants removed asap.  Marty Rendall is having a working bee this Sunday at 12 to attend to this, but needs people to help him remove as much as possible to use as future fundraising.

Please phone Marty on 4486146 or 0275 071565

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Room 3 and Harold

As I will be attending Ben's funeral tomorrow afternoon, Pip the educator on the bus has agreed to take Room 3 as a whole group on the bus in the afternoon.  This means that we will all be doing the Happy and Healthy programme - the same as Room 4.  This will make the follow up in the class a whole lot easier too, as we will all have the same booklets and will have had the same learning experiences with Pip and Harold.

Years 3 & 4 Cricket Draw

Thank you to those people who brought their cricket notices back today.  Mr Ryan has given everyone a hard copy of the draw.  Our team is called Molyneux 2 (St Gerards)

Saturday 8th November :  Molyneux 2 vs Cromwell 3 at St Gerards

Saturday 15th November: Molyneux 3 vs Molyneux 2  at Molyneux 3 home ground

Saturday  22nd November:  Molyneux 2 vs Blacks Hill 2 at St Gerards

Saturday 29th November: Cromwell 1 vs Molyneux 2 at Cromwell

Saturday 6th December: Molyneux 2 vs Blacks Hill 1 at St Gerards

Saturday 13th December: Molyneux 1 vs Molyneux 2 at Molyneux 1 home ground

If anyone is keen to help out for practices and/or Saturday games can they please contact Shane at 4485440, 0212256261,

Note that there is only 1 game played out of town, if you need assistance to get there please contact Shane.  He will also let everyone know where and at what time each game will start.

Week 3 Term 4

A short but busy week.

We have Harold and Pip in the LIFE Education bus at school and will be visiting this on Thursday and Friday mornings.  Year 3 will be in the bus with Room 4 to take part in the years 3 & 4 programme.

Congratulations to everyone on the excellent skills and sportsmanship shown at the athletic sports on Thursday.  Some people received notes from Miss Passmore about the Central Otago sports next Tuesday at Molyneux Park.  Please make sure that you return any information to her. You need to be 8 years old by 1st October to qualify to attend these sports. Thank you so much to the willing band of parents who helped out at this event.  We do appreciate your help and couldn't run successful events like this without your support.

The Year 2,3,4 cricket team will practise on Wednesday at lunchtime. Your first game is this weekend at St Gerards. I am gathering contact information for Mr Ryan so it would be great to have all the permission slips back as soon as possible.  This means that Mr Ryan can contact team members directly.  Thank you to the parents who have indicated that they can assist Mr Ryan with the team.

Tee Ball starts on Tuesday this week at Molyneux Park/The Terrace School. Those in teams have been given notes.  Remember that in line with school sports policy, if you are unable to play for any reason you need to let your coach or manager know.  Some year 2 people did put their names down, but due to the numbers of years 3 & 4 wishing to play, there was no room in a team this term for all of you to play. Those people who have turned 7 have been included in a team.  Only a few weeks until you people are year 3!

Mrs Donaldson will be teaching Room 3 on Wednesday while I have release time for individual assessments.

We have all worked hard on practical activities with sand as we learned about capacity. Using a tally chart (statistics) to record our results, we have compared and shared information using the mathematical language in our WALTs.  Mrs Donaldson will take our final activity where we will be using our prediction skills with popcorn.  I have 2 popcorn makers on my table - thank you so much for these, and for the other offers I have had.  She'll have a popping good time.

Homework books/poetry books: a number of these are somewhere at home.  There were only 15 homework books in the tray on Friday.  As the weekly spelling is in this book, it is hard for some children to prepare their spelling for the following week. Please check that this book comes back to school each day.  Loretta is working with a few people to give them extra individual work to help them master their skills.

Scooters continue to cause problems outside the classroom.  The rules are clear - they need to be stored behind the seats outside the classroom during the day and be put into the corridor after school - against the walls please so that Mrs Brown can lux the corridor. It is a privilege to have a scooter at school and a responsibility to use it sensibly, ride it in the right areas (the court) and put it away so that no-one will trip over it.  I will be very joyful if this could happen!!

Homework: reading, spelling, R.E. (saints), maths - doing stuff  with water and playing games.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Years 3 & 4 Cricket

Mr Shane Ryan will be coaching the Years 3 & 4 cricket team again this term.  The practices will be at lunch times on Wednesdays with the games on a Saturday morning. Year 2 children who have played Milo cricket are also welcome to join this team.

Your child has indicated that they would like to be part of this team.

Could you please return this permission slip to Mrs Beilby as soon as possible so that Mr Ryan can enter a team/s.

Thank you
Chris Beilby

Years 3 & 4 Cricket Term 4 2014

My child ___________ wishes to play cricket this term.

I _____________  am able to assist Mr Ryan with the team.

My contact details are:

Phone: ______________    Email: ____________

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Popcorn Maker

Does anyone have one of these that we could use to make popcorn for maths learning next Wednesday?

Monday, 20 October 2014

Capacity Learning

Thank you for the weather today so that we can start our hands on learning.

Which container holds the most?  How do you know? How could you prove this?

How many spoonfuls fit into this container?

Let me tell you about the difference between what these 2 containers hold.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Week 2 Term 4

Wow! It was fantastic to see so many smiling faces at the end of the performance on Thursday evening. Being able to present the musical in the theatre lifted it to a whole new level with sound, lights and all the children were very excited as they stepped up to perform "like pop stars on a stage". This was what one person in Room 3 described the experience as.
Thank you all so much for the effort you all went to, in providing fabulous costumes.

This week we are back to lots of reading, spelling, writing and maths learning, so you can expect to see the spelling lists in books and reading books home each night.  No excuses!!

To start the term we are looking at measurement in maths - this time "capacity". Unfortunately my introduction to this unit was rained on, as we were to use the sandpit filling containers and making comparisons about how much fits inside each one. Better luck tomorrow, I hope.  Any spare containers would be useful for these activities. At home you could experiment with water (a perfect bath experiment) or if you prefer a drier activity - rice or pasta.  How much fits into this cup/egg cup/mug?  Will it hold more or less than that cup? or bowl or any other type of container. How many of these will be needed to fill that?  The language to develop is "less than, more than, (when comparing 2), least, most (when comparing 3 or more)".

  • compare the volume of 2 containers by packing or pouring
  • order the volume of 3 or more containers 
  • use non-standard volume units (cups, spoons, bottles) to fill a container and count the number used.
Scooters: great to see that so many people have theirs at school to play on.  Please remember the rules: always wear shoes, only ride on the courts, place scooters behind the seats outside Room 3 before school in the morning and put them away in the corridor after school.  Last week I spent lots of time putting scooters away.

Books: some people have no pages left in their R.E., homework or poetry books.  Thank you to those people who have replaced these. We have arranged to have these available for sale from the office at the "Back to School" February prices.  These books will be used again at the beginning of 2015.

Athletic Sports: Thursday starting at 9:30am. The times of rotations are on the library window.  Thank you to those people who have offered to help - please meet Miss Passmore outside the staffroom at 9:15am. Tuesday = athletic training so wear your sports gear to school.

Mass: We will be attending the 12:00 mass on Friday.  Room 6 will lead this.  We invite you to join us.
Assembly: in the hall at 2:30

Sunhats: are now compulsory - please make sure that your child has one at school.  In line with the "slip, slop, slap, wrap" message, it is also a great idea to look after young eyes with sunglasses.

  1. Reading - please complete your reading log. I want to hear as many people as possible 1 page of their book in the morning before school.
  2. Spelling - the spelling pattern we are working on for the next 2 weeks is the "er" sound. Remember to say, sound, cover, tool and write your words each night.  It is not a copying exercise. As I am still learning about the process of Spelling Alive, I found out that to progress from one level to another I need to test 100 words, so I am sorry that I was so excited and told people that they were going up a level.  There is still plenty of spelling pattern learning for everyone at the level that they are on in the meantime.  You can also set a challenge for your child with extra "er" words that they can conduct, tool and write.  Remember that there are several different spelling patterns for this sound. ( ur, ir, or -word, our)
  3. R.E - this week we are looking at traditional prayers. Many people do not know the Hail Mary, so this is in the homework books to learn.  This is also the month of Mary - a time when the Rosary is a focus - we will be looking at some of the stories of the mysteries. Some people still need to work on knowing the Our Father which was in books to be learned last term.
  4. Maths - keep working on playing games that consolidate basic facts. 

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Important Dates for the Term

  • Thursday 16th October - Cinderella Rockafella  - 6pm performance
  • Thursday 23rd October  - School Athletics  -- HELP Please.
  • Friday 24th October 12:00 Mass - Room 6 to lead
  • Friday 24th October - Assembly 2:30 
  • Monday 27th - Labour Day
  • Thursday 30th/Friday 31st October - LIFE Education (Harold's Bus) 
  • Friday 7 November  - 12:00 Mass Rooms 1& 2 
  • Friday 7 November - 2:10 Assembly Room 3
  • Thursday 13th November - Thyme Festival lunchtime entertaining - Pioneer Park
  • Friday 21st November - 12:00 Mass Room 4
  • Friday 21st November 2:10  Assembly Rooms 1 & 2
  • Thursday 27th November - visit to Dunstan High School wharenui. Years 1 & 2 camp
  • Friday 5 December - 12:00 Mass Room 3
  • Friday 5 December - 2:10 Assembly Room 4
  • Monday 8th December Room 3 Singing Eisteddfods
  • Thursday 11th December Eisteddfod Assembly
  • Wednesday 17th - picnic lunch followed by Junior Kapahaka and sports awards
  • Wednesday 17th - Graduation Mass - time to be advised 6pm?
  • Thursday 18th December - Room 6 final assembly for 2014

Welcome Back to Term 4

What a variety of holiday experiences were shared today - everyone had exciting things to share from losing teeth (the tooth fairy must have had a busy, expensive time) to lobster pincers. This week is Production week where our focus is on putting the final touches on the musical. Fortunately we have not forgotten too much over the holidays.
Costumes: to be hanging on pegs in the corridor by Wednesday at the latest.  We will be taking our costumes to the theatre on Wednesday morning. After the dress rehearsal on Thursday afternoon children will bring their costumes home so that they can come dressed ready for the stage on Thursday night. Please be at the theatre at 5:30pm.
Tickets: for our 6pm performance on Thursday are $5 an adult, $2 a child. These should be available from the office from tomorrow. The final touches with photos were being completed today.

Uniform: it was great to see everyone wearing their summer uniforms today.  Please remember that if it is cold, a jersey or sweatshirt needs to be worn over polyprops. Sunhats are a compulsory uniform item this term.  Many people remembered and led the way by wearing them in the playground today. If you need a new one these are available from the school office in several sizes.

School Photo Order Forms: went home today - please check in bags if you have not seen yours. Once you have decided, please return your envelope to the school office.

Kapahaka: Room 3 all began junior kapahaka today.  This is part of our maori learning for this term and we will be welcoming everyone to the end of the year awards presentations on Wednesday 17th December.  Some year 2 people also chose to begin work with the main school Kapahaka group, who are beginning to work on the items that they will share at the local Kapahaka Festival at the end of term 1 next year.

Reading: work on knowing all the words of your songs for the musical

Spelling: no new list this week, but keep working on knowing the spelling patterns for long e, long i, long a and long o.  We will get into spelling again next week (although it is a short week).

Maths: keep working on learning your basic facts.  Play games with dice like adding the two numbers together  - who can do it first.  This helps you to know the facts to 12. How can you use your doubles to help you with this?  6 + 5 =   THINK  5 + 5 = 10 and add one more or  6 + 6 = 12 and take one off.

Musical Character: think again about who your character is and practise walking like your character. Use your mirror to meet yourself and pretend that you are arriving at the ball and meeting people.  Shake hands, curtsey, smile and nod.  Remember we are miming our part so no talking.

Great to see everyone back ready for a very busy term.