Monday, 27 April 2015


Swimming will begin this Thursday (30th) for the next 8 weeks.
We will bus to the pool.  The class will be split into two groups for each session.  I will go with some children at 10:40am and 7 others will head to the pool with Mrs Wright at 11:15am.
Please ensure each child brings their togs, a towel, and/or goggles if needed.  These items must be named and in a named bag.


Sunday, 26 April 2015

Monday 27th April, 2015

Dear Parents,
I hope you all enjoyed your Anzac weekend and maybe managed to get to a memorial parade - either in Clyde or Alex (or other).  We held our own little memorial service at school on Friday afternoon which was just lovely - all classes were involved and each contributed something.  Room 3 presented a hand wreath and also read a poem.

Kapahaka Uniforms
There are still a few outstanding Kapahaka uniforms from the group's performance last term. Can these please be returned to school A.S.A.P.  Your children know what this acronym means if you are up for a pop quiz!

This week Room 3 will have Mr Hogue for a science session on Wednesday afternoon.

This week there will be reading books coming home each night - except Friday when poems come home - and also spelling words to learn.  We will do conducting and part/sound lines during class time and the children are to practice spelling their words each night at home.  If you have any questions regarding this please do not hesitate to pop in and see me.

WW100 Display and Memorial Walk
I am hoping to take the class down to the town library where there is a display for the WW100 commemoration happening in 2015.  I would also like to pop over to the war memorial at the same time.  To do this I would need some parent help.  If you could lend a hand on Friday morning from 9.30am to do this, please let me know.  I will need 3 parents to do this.

As part of our Geometry unit I am encouraging the class to get to know their left and right sides.  Feel free to help me out here and talk about this at home too.

One more thing - Check out these lucky kids who got to make ANZAC cookies in the staffroom with Loretta!  The top pic shows the children reading some facts about the cookies and how we came to still be baking them - aren't they good little students!

Have a great week.


Friday, 24 April 2015

The big dig

The Big Dig

The St Gerards Enviro group has been planning towards developing an organic vegetable garden. We’ve visited other gardens, shared our ideas and been given advice from other gardeners. The time has now arrived to turn the first soil! We will be digging the garden beds this coming week and we would love to see anyone who is keen and able to help us out.

Where: Meet at the garden, behind the PE shed.

When: 1245pm Wednesday 29th April

What to bring: Spades, shovels, gloves…any spares would be appreciated also.

We’d love to see you there and will be thankful for any help we can get!


The Enviro group

Monday, 20 April 2015

Monday 20th April 2015

Welcome back to school!  Hopefully your families have had some quality time together over the holidays.  Mrs Beilby will be away for the next two weeks.  If you have any questions regarding your child please feel free to pop into Room 3 or send me an email.

My address is

Important dates for this term - these will probably be added to, so please keep looking at the blog and reading the notices.
Monday 27th April - ANZAC Day, school closed.
Sunday 10th May - 9am, School Mass - Mother's Day.
Monday 1st June, Queens Birthday, school closed.
Friday 15th May - Michael Mangan visit.  Michael Mangan writes a lot of our praise songs.

For the next two weeks homework will mostly reading books which the children will bring home from their instructional reading at school.  There may be some spelling words in the homework books for next week.  Today I tested the levels just to clarify groups.

Our Inquiry focus for this term will be initially focussed around ANZAC Day and the ww100 celebrations which are happening nationwide during 2015.  Our reading, writing and inquiry/arts will include lots of learning about what life was like for families 100 years ago in New Zealand and how we can compare this to life here today.  While the focus will be skirting around the First World War the children will mostly be looking at family and community life in New Zealand during the war.
Today we ate some ANZAC cookies and talked about how they got their name.

Have a great week.
