Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Poetry Eisteddfods

This is the term for the poetry eisteddfods and I hear that some people have already made a start finding a poem that they could present to the Room 3 audience.

Mrs Rendall our librarian has put up a 'poet tree' in the library to remind us to start looking in the range of poetry books that are available there.  We talked about this last week.

Our WALTs for the poetry eisteddfod for Year 2 are: (Year 3's will be very similar)

  • Present a poem to an audience    
  • Use a clear voice
  • Talk about why we chose this poem - a short introduction.
  • Listen attentively to the presentations

To help us have the courage to stand up in front of our class and say a poem it helps if we know it really well and have had lots of practice saying it to family at home. It is perfectly fine to use a poem from the poetry book, as we have already worked on these as a class.  It is also fine to write and present your own poem.



Library Books

Yes we will be going to the library to change books tomorrow.  Poetry and library books are the reading for the weekend.  I noticed that some people have had 3 books out for a long time so it would be great for these to be at school for changing. Many people are capable of reading chapter books from the library - this means that they get to choose.  I am happy for these to be recorded in reading logs, as some reading groups who are working on higher reading skills like researching and note taking don't always have a class reader to take home every night.


Spelling has come home in homework books tonight.  This week we have been working hard on conducting, tooling and recognising long 'e' spelling patterns.  I will not be testing the list for this week but we will be using it in class next week. I do expect that one day's practice of the words will be done tonight.  We'll get back into the swing next week.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Week 6 Term 2

It's great to be back with your special children again.  Plans had been to write the blog on Sunday evening however I spent the evening at Dunstan Hospital while Alan was evaluated again and eventually admitted. Yes, I really appreciate the amazing help we have close at hand.  It has and will continue to be a life line on this journey.

Reading should have been coming home each night and I am hearing those who come to me before school in the mornings. We are all working on making our reading sound like talking by using the punctuation (fullstops, commas and speech marks).
Spelling: following last Friday's spelling testing I wanted to test everyone to ascertain the exact level that they should be working on.  Despite some people being able to remember how to spell their lists, many had several errors in the spelling patterns that was the focus of the spelling list, and were not able to use sound lines or were using them incorrectly. This spelling system is about the process and developing key knowledge and skills that will enable students to spell many unfamiliar words independently.  This week our spelling focus is the "long e" sound. We are looking at the different patterns and next week will learn the skill of "sampling", which will transfer to independent writing. To be meeting the standard, children in Year 2 need to be working on Level 2 and Year 3 on Level 3. If you check what the focus of the list is each week and you or your child feel that the words are too easy, ask your child to use their sound pattern knowledge to write other words that have the focus sound in them.  Remember to conduct then tool the words before writing, then as good readers check that the word looks right.
Maths: we are finishing a geometry unit on Position and Orientation that Mrs Lyon began. Take a look at the activities on Maths Buddy. What we are working on at the moment is at the Year 3 level. Many people have drawn interesting maps on a grid and have written instructions for a buddy to follow. Some good clear instructions using language like left, right, up, down, North, East, South, West have been written and shared with a buddy.  Have a look at a map at home and talk about where places are in relation to others using some of this positional language.
Mr Hogue will be teaching Science on Wednesday morning until playtime.

Swimming: Thursday - remember your togs. A wee reminder that the $13 for the bus to and from the pool needs to be paid to the office please.

Please join us for Friday Mass lead by Rooms 1 & 2, and Assembly lead by Room 4.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Dunstan Hospital Meeting

Recently we have had more than our fair share of care at this wonderful local facility.  I hope that everyone has taken the time to sign the petition that is circulating and that some people are considering attending the information evening at 7:30pm on Wednesday 20th May at the Alexandra Theatre.
I know from what's been going on in our lives over the last few weeks that losing some of the services that we have at Clyde would be a huge step in the wrong direction for our community.
None of us know when we may need to use these services, so I feel that it is important that we support those who are working hard to retain what we have.


Lovely to see everyone today.  All going well I hope to be back in the classroom at the end of the week. In the meantime I will be about getting myself "back on the bike" so to speak. Mrs Lyons is doing such an amazing job - thank you so so much.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Hi Everyone,

Well done to the gorgeous children of Room 3 for their contribution to last week's school assembly.  I was so proud of the class for doing such a great job.  We even managed to not need the help of the seniors on hand and definitely showed that 6 and 7 years olds have many skills in preparation, presentation, and performance.  The singing was especially good and I know there were a few nerves floating around.  Please give your child a HIGH 5 for being a great team member and also for being brave in front of the school audience.

We all enjoyed the musical performance by Michael Mangan last week.  As my Olly put it, he was a religious rock star.  What a treat to have a good sing-a-long at school with a real muso.

As usual there will be reading and spelling coming home each night this week.  Last week some children may have had a repeat on their readers over a day or two.  The focus for our reading at the moment is to familiarise ourselves with the text of a story and to draw on personal experiences that may relate to the stories being read.  Doing this will help children to build on their reading comprehension skills.  Please encourage your child to talk to you about their book and maybe even ask them some questions about what they have read.

Next Tuesday evening there will be an information evening for parents who want to know about the current teaching of Maths in schools.  We will have a guest speaker and there will be a chance for you to see some real live teaching of the Maths appropriate to your child's level.  Look out for more information about this in this week's school newsletter.

Swimming on Thursday - please remember your swimming gear.

Have a great week and remember to pop in and see me at anytime.  I love seeing the Mums and Dads of the children in Room 3.  We are so lucky to have such cool parents who like to know what is going on with their kids at school.

Take care,


Monday, 11 May 2015


On Wednesday we have our school hockey tournament as part of our small sticks in schools.
We will be leaving for the park at 12.45pm and having our lunch down there. You are welcome to join us for lunch and walk down with us or meet us there.
The hockey will start at 1.15pm. We will return to school at 2.55pm.
Children are to wear sports gear with house colour tee shirt please.
If children have mouth guards please bring these. Shin pads can be worn and if your child does not have any please pack some newspaper in there bags as this makes perfect shin pads.
If the weather is no good and we have to postpone it will be on Facebook.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Sunday 10th May 2015

Term 2, Week 4

Room 3 Newsletter:  Term 2, Week 4

Sunday 10th May, 2015

Thanks to the families who gathered at the Whole School Mass this morning.  What a lovely tribute to our gorgeous Mums - both School and Parish - with some very special singing and some delicious morning tea.

Upcoming dates:
*Hockey Tournament – This Wednesday afternoon 13th May. Begins with lunch together at Pioneer Park.
*SWIMMING this Thursday – Session 3, 10:30 – 11:40 am. (some go later with Room 2)
*Michael Mangan visit – this Friday 15th May.
*Assembly this Friday – 2.10 pm, led by Room 3.  Please come along if you can.  We have been practicing a lovely new song and will also share what we have been learning about this term.

Michael Mangan Visit:
Michael Mangan will visit the school this Friday. He will present his songs and a Powerpoint to the whole school between 10.10 and 11.15 am. For those of you who don't know Michael Mangan, we sing many of his RE songs for children at school.

World War One commemorations:
We continue to commemorate World War One through our reading, writing and art programme at school.  Our focus will move from Anzac Day to what life was like in New Zealand in 1915.  

I have recently started following this Facebook page.  I like how simple the teaching of Maths is explained here so if you are interested please take a look.  Many parents get nervous about how Maths is taught nowadays and this lady makes explaining number to children very simple.  She has some great tips and shows how number sense really isn't that tricky at all.  It is a teacher's page but I thought I'd suggest you take a look if you want to.

Have a great week,


Monday, 4 May 2015

Week 3

Hi All,
Apologies for my lateness in posting this.
This week the children will bring home their regular reading and spelling homework.  Yesterday they should have filled in Day 1 on their spelling sheet.  Each subsequent day gets filled with the last day being Thursday.  Testing will be on Friday.

This afternoon the class will have Hockey skills with Mrs Flannery - if you have read this before you leave for school the children can wear their tracksuits to school for this.
Wednesday - The class will have Mr Hogue for Science on Wednesday afternoon.
Thursday - Tracksuits can be worn to school as there will be swimming again.  Please remember a separate bag, towel and goggles (if needed).

I think that's all.

Have a great week.


Sunday, 3 May 2015


St Gerard's School
Organic Garden Foraging List

The enviro group dug four garden plots last week. We are meeting again this Wednesday 6th May to begin developing the soil. We are needing lots of goodies to add to the soil, if anyone can provide any of the following please bring them along to school at 1245pm on Wednesday or please contact Mr Yeoman (

Always think or ask – is this foraging item straight from nature???  GOOD for our garden
Has it been treated with a chemical or had medicine added??? NOT SUITABLE

          For the Garden                                                
          Ash from fire (make sure it is no longer hot or even warm!!)                
          Horse Poo (but can't have been wormed recently)
          Chicken Poo
          Lupin leaves
          Yarrow leaves
          Comfrey leaves
          Lleaves (slightly rotted so they won't blow away)

          For the Compost Bins
                      old carpet to cover the top of the bins
                      old bricks to keep the above on
                      old paint tins at least 5L, to make compost teas (cleaned up of paint)
                      crushed shells
                      sawdust (but not with oil in it from chainsaw)
                      vegetable scraps
                      nettle (no seeds and use gloves to pick as it will give you a nasty rash – grows wild)
                      dandelion leaves

                      Big plastic bags (to collect leaves and other things, also to rot things down faster)

                      Any gardening tools no longer wanted at home