Monday, 18 December 2017

Hi All 
A photo of some of the placemats we have been making for the guests at the Christmas Lunch that is put on by the Churches of Alexandra.
Hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas
Mrs Bielby and Mrs Stratford

Saturday, 16 December 2017

Week 10 Term 4

What a birthday surprise treat on Friday. Thank you to those who planned this behind my back - perhaps teachers don't have eyes in the back of their heads! Extra special, as it would have been Alan's 65th birthday - very fitting. Thank you once again.

Monday sees us preparing an afternoon tea for some invited guests and designing the placemats for the Community Christmas BBQ lunch.

This week we can wear mufti - please remember a can of food for the food bank.

Tuesday, school closes at 1pm. Please make arrangements to collect your child before or at this time.

Have a wonderful Christmas with family and friends. Enjoy our great outdoors safely. See you all next year.

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Prize Giving - Friday - Costumes

Just a reminder that we are all townspeople for the nativity readings and songs that begin the prize giving. As we will be in full school uniform, all that is needed is a tea towel or piece of fabric that is secured with elastic or similar for on heads.  Please keep working on knowing all the words for our song by heart. Well done Liam with the work you have done on your part as Joseph. Mary will need something blue. If there is a problem please let me know. The dress rehearsal is Thursday at 1:30.

Sunday, 10 December 2017

Hi All,

Coming up this week

Life Education Bus - Room 5 has 4 sessions this week on the bus.  2 on Tuesday and 2 on Wednesday.  

Thursday - Wonder screening.  Please all ensure your children are at the Central Cinema by 8:50am on Thursday morning so that we are all in time to be seated for the 9am start of the flick.  We will all walk back to school together following the film. 
Graduation Mass - Thursday 6pm - Please ensure full school uniform is work - no sneakers!
Picnic and prize giving - Friday 15th of December.  

Next week we finish school on Tuesday with just a 1/2 day.  School will be officially finished for the year by 1pm.

Thanks Team,

Mrs Lyon

Week 9 Term 4

Where has the year gone?
Congratulations Room 3 on a wonderful Wednesday mass. Super readers and singers. Thank you.

Last week we made some stunning invitations to a Christmas afternoon tea, and I was lucky enough to deliver some of these on Friday. Each recipient showed such joy and was delighted with the wonderful art and the special invitation of course. Along with Room 7 we will be treating these people on Monday 18th December. If anyone has the odd special table cloth that we could borrow to make the tables really special. I would be keen to borrow one or two.

Further to our theme Playing Our Part in the community we will be designing some placemats for the community Christmas BBQ held in the St Enoch's grounds on Christmas Day. Just waiting for the template to be emailed.

Important times and dates for this week:
Monday 11th: Harold - we have 2 sessions. 9am then 11:45. On Friday we learned about Harold's magic line. We are all trying our best to act like boosters and stay above this line in the choices we make. Pip has asked us to work on this and be ready to tell Harold about some of our 'boosters' at the session on Monday. The main theme of our session is about 'Resilience'.
Tuesday 12th: Mrs Stratford will be teaching all day as will be away. She has an exciting day planned.
Thursday 14th 6pm Graduation Mass. Please be seated in the church with your class by 5:55. Correct school uniform needs to be worn. This is a very special occasion for our year 8 students who have been such fantastic leaders in our school this year.

Reminder: We have a few people choosing to wear sports uniform to school, please remember that this is not the daily uniform.

Friday 15th: Family picnic at 12, followed by Prize Giving in the church at 1pm. Lunch will end at 12:45, so that we can all use the toilet and have a drink before being seated ready to start at 1pm.

As we approach the last few school days for 2017, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support this year. we are always so lucky to have parents willing to join us for EOTC activities, help on the PTA and with the fair which raised considerable funds for the school. Special mention must go to Regina and Rachael who have had groups in the garden each Wednesday afternoon, and in the colder months painting tiles.

Don't forget to check the lost property in the foyer - quite a big selection of clothing.

A few people still have artworks from the auction to collect from the office.

Wishing everyone a safe, happy family Christmas.

Monday, 4 December 2017

Singing Eisteddfod Performers

What a great job people did of their songs - never the easiest to do in front of an audience. So proud of you.
As always it was difficult to choose just 6 to represent years 3 & 4. After deliberation like The X Factor judges the following singers will perform on Thursday afternoon.

Alia Ryan, Adam Ward, Sophie Tait, Finlay Love, Charlotte O'Kane, Zack Dyson.  If someone is sick Mason Broome will step into their place.

Keep working on your presentation and really knowing your words.

Term 4 Week 8

What a busy time we had last week sharing Christmas crafts with the junior school and then the EOTC trip with the middle school on Friday.

Thank you Mr Milford, Claire & Damian Russell (mini golf) and all of the parents who encouraged us on the very hot ride down the Rail Trail. A special thank you to Loretta who stayed behind and gave my house a lux and tidy up after our departure. What a difference that made!! So appreciated.

Thanks for your support  in having the wide brimmed school hats on heads each day.  The heat has made everyone pretty tired ,especially as some are finding sleeping difficult. We all need to be aware of how our words and actions affect others, when we are not all on top of our game.

The homework again this week is to learn the words of the songs for the end of year. Room 3 have the innkeeper song, and will be singing and acting out this part of the Christmas story.  We will choose a Mary & Joseph, also an innkeeper, while the rest of us will be the townspeople - everyone will need to find something to wear in keeping with the story. Sheets and tea towels are always a great standby. There will be a dress rehearsal for this on Thursday 14th December at 1:30.
A selection of Junior Journals are available for take home reading for enjoyment. Spelling will be tested this week, so take a peek again at last week's list.

It is our turn to lead the Wednesday Parish Mass at 9:00am. Readings and prayers of the faithful will come home to practise so that we can read clearly for the parishioners. It's always exciting to get the advent mass as we get to light the advent candles too. The first candle for this week is the candle of hope. Please join us as we celebrate this special time in the church's year.

Eisteddfods are being heard on Monday and Tuesday this week, with the Eisteddfod assembly on Thursday afternoon at 1:30pm. 

Friday - Yes!! Harold is back to visit. We will be spending time with Pip and Harold after play, and again next Monday 9-9:45, then another after play session.
The final school assembly for the year is on Friday at 2pm.

Next Tuesday Mrs Stratford will be teaching all day.

Dates for the calendar:

  • Thursday 14th 6pm Graduation Mass - wear school uniform as we farewell our Year 8 students and celebrate their time with us at school.
  • Friday 15th - picnic lunch and Awards Assembly in the church at 1pm
  • Monday 18th - 2pm Rooms 3 & 7 are hosting an afternoon tea for older parish members, as we take action on this term's "Playing Our Part" in the community. We are designing special invitations this week for writing.
Have a great week - try and "Keep cool, till after school!"

Friday, 1 December 2017

Friday Biking

Thank you Lauren for these photos.
Thank you to all the parents too, who supported us. We couldn't have days like this without your help.

Monday, 27 November 2017

Week 7 Term 4

Junior School Christmas Craft Rotation Week

Four afternoons will be spent on a variety of Christmas crafts. A great opportunity to give Room 3 some leadership as they help younger students to create their bits and pieces.

No Discovery this week.

Friday sees us enjoying an EOTC event with Room 4. Please make sure that you return your notice to school so that we can evaluate whether there are enough parents to assist us. I suspect as the number of people reading the blog is small, that some have not yet got this information. It was agreed earlier in the year that the blog was a clear way to communicate class information. The response is now urgent so we are asking for all notes to be back by Wednesday. Thank you to those who have already responded.

CRT - Jewellery making Thursday with Mrs Chamberlain while I complete testing. Exciting to see how much people have improved in their reading this year.

Thank you so much parents for bringing all those well loved pets to school on Friday. What a super Pet Day we had!

  1. Reading: your own choice, plus learn the words to the Christmas songs. Jesus Lullaby (for Discovery visits with Room 7), No Room For You Tonight (Room 3 song) and Christmas Is The Time (Whole school song). These should be glued into homework books. Those with no book at school need to see me to get these words.
  2. Eisteddfod Song: these should be 'humming along' now, ready to present next Monday or Tuesday 
  3. Spelling: yeah! last week! end of year test at some stage this week. Keep working on listening to the order of the sounds and sampling long vowel spelling patterns, then think "What looks right?"
  4. Morning Programme: a few people on the whiteboard

Sunday, 26 November 2017

Rooms 3 & 4 Bike Trip - this Friday

Room 3 & 4 Bike Trip this Friday 1st December:
This is Room 3 & 4's Christmas outing. We will be biking to Mrs Beilby's house for a day of biscuit-decorating, mini-golf, cricket and sprinklers.
  • Bikes need to be at school this Wednesday morning for a bike safety check with Mr Milford at 10.30.
  • We require parents to accompany us if this trip is to go ahead. Please let Markelle or I know as soon as possible if you are available. Thank you, Rachael & Loren for confirming your availability.
  • It is a full day trip leaving school at 9.15 am and returning by 2.40 pm.
  • A hard copy notice will come home Tuesday. Please return this slip by Wednesday.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017


With the weather having been so hot. Mr Eastwood has agreed to putting the sprinklers on tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon. We have all talked about not touching the heads of the sprinklers as they are very fragile and expensive to replace. Bring your togs and a towel.

Hi All

Remembered it is Pet Day on Friday so all those on Morning Programme can have another week to prepare.  Might be a bit much to squeeze in😀
We will present next Friday
Emma Stratford

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Hi All 

Some neat photos to share and a recipe!
We had scientists, cooks, book reviews and favourite holidays.
Huge thank you to everyone who presented and the help from home😊

Morning Programme for this week:
Amelia on Current Events
Aurelia, Jay-T, Quinn, Bella.B and Tara have all chosen
How To
Please do come and see me or flick me an email if you have any questions or need any help with this

Thank you Pippa😉

Kapahaka Notice

"Thank you to all those who returned Kapa Haka notices. Unfortunately there are quite a large number of our students, particularly our senior students, who are unable to attend Ben's Little Big Day Out. Because of this we've decided our Kapa Haka group won't perform this time. Thanks anyway and we hope many of you will turn up to support and enjoy the concert anyway!"

Week 6 Term 4

Week 6 already.  Congratulations to all those who shared their Winnie-the -Pooh drawings or their Revolting Recipes at assembly last Friday.
This week we move on to Design-a-Pet (Designer Pet) as we anticipate the fun of Pet Day on Friday morning. This will incorporate Poetry, creativity & art, description and a letter of persuasion - not aiming to get all of this finished this week.
Thursday - CRT and jewellery making with Mrs Chamberlain.

Last week Kapahaka people took home a note so that we could assess how many of our group would be available to perform at Ben Whitaker's Little/Big Day Out this Sunday. If you did not return your note please do so. The performance will be at some time between 11 and 1pm if we have sufficient numbers. A specific time will be available once the programme is confirmed. This is a perfect opportunity to take action towards our term 4 theme "Playing Our Part" in the community.
The school choir will also be performing. I hope that we all make the most of a wonderful day of music, food and entertainment and support Ben & his family as they raise money for his "Food For Thought" programme. Hmm - I think that's what it is called. Check the school newsletter.

Assembly on Friday lead by Room 6

  • Last two weeks of spelling.
  • Reading
  • Morning Programme
  • Singing Eisteddfod

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Singing Eisteddfod

Years 3 & 4 Singing Eisteddfods will be heard on Monday 4th & Tuesday 5th December - the time will be here before we know it!
Now is the time to be thinking about what you will sing, so the marking criteria is below.

Think carefully about the choice of song, especially the theme. As we are a multicultural class it would be wonderful if some people could sing a song from their culture. Singing is singing - it does not need to be in English. A song that you already know from Kapahaka can be polished up - after all, you already know all the words so you just need to think about the actions or costume.

Eisteddfod Assembly is Thursday 7th December at 1:30pm.

Singing Eisteddfod Criteria

·       Prepare and present a song using performance skills and techniques
·       Reflect on the live performances of the eisteddfod songs

State the name of the song
Tell about who wrote it and /or who recorded it
Say why you chose it

Staying in tune throughout the performance

Singing the words clearly so that we can hear each word
Remember to put the "t" or "p'' at the end of words
Sing loud enough for the audience to hear

Audience suitability
Choosing something that Rooms 3 & 4 will enjoy
Words suitable for our age group
Theme suitable for our age group

Know the song off by heart

Total Score


Monday, 13 November 2017

Week 5 Term 4

Well done to those who competed for the first time at the Central Otago Championship Athletics last Tuesday.  Thank you to those parents who supported our team.

Soccer Coaching: Wednesday 11:45 - 12:15 - with Tessa Nicol from Football South. Please wear school sports uniform and runners.

Wednesday afternoon: Mrs Stratford will be leading Discovery with Mrs Laidlaw, as I attend the last in-service Reading Recovery session for the year.

Thursday 11:40 - lunch our weekly jewellery making with Mrs Chamberlain while I am on CRT. Last week's reading testing showed some great gains - your children have been working hard!

Friday Assembly: 2:10 Rooms 3 & 4 will be leading this and we will be presenting some of our Winnie-the-Pooh drawings (from instructions) and some Revolting Recipes. Check out how we can lay out a piece of instructional writing and what amazing ideas we have for little treats. Maria - do you want some alternatives for the St Gerards Recipe Book?

This Sunday there is a group of children making their First Communion - please support them at mass. All Year 3's will have the opportunity to continue their faith journey next year through the sacramental programme. If you wish your child to take part in this and they are not already baptised please let us know. All are welcome.

Pet Day: Next Friday 24th - check the separate post.

In preparation for the Room 3 & 4 bike trip along the Rail Trail to my place on Friday 1 December, Mr Milford (NZ Police) will be checking bikes on Wednesday 29th at 10:30. We will need parents and an emergency vehicle to accompany us. Pleased to hear from you if you can accompany us. If you have a littlie, you are welcome to come out and join us for lunch.

Book Cubes: We will be creating book reviews on these. Some people have decided to use a favourite book from home - please remind them to bring them to school so that the information, author etc can be recorded. A bit of maths, reading, writing and art for the end of the term.

Art Auction: Thank you to those people who have paid Chrissy and collected their pieces of art. There are some on the table in the Reading Recovery Room - put there for safe keeping as the blue tac kept letting go, in case you were worried that your masterpiece was missing.

Yes, there is homework! Reading, Spelling, Morning Programme preparation.

Enjoy this wonderful week of warmer weather.

Pet Day

Pet Day - Friday 24th November 2017
Activities - on display in:
· Soft toy section: Room 1
· Sand saucer: Room 2 (bring flowers and a saucer)
· Decorated hats: Room 3
· Small pets: Room 5  NOT DOGS
· Dogs on fence along Tarbert Street
· Veggie animals: Room 7
·  Baking: Best cake Room 6
· Cats: Room 4
· Obstacle course near sandpit, dogs must be on a lead and times will be taken.
All pets must be on a lead and have someone with them at all times
All making activities must be completed by 10.30am
Judge = Vets
1st 2nd 3rd obstacle course
1st 2nd 3rd Dog section
1st 2nd 3rd Cat Section
1st 2nd 3rd Small animals
1st 2nd 3rd Farm animals

Most unusual animal
1st 2nd 3rd Best-dressed animal and owner
1st 2nd 3rd Sand saucer
1st 2nd 3rd Hats
1st 2nd 3rd Veggie animals
1st 2nd 3rd Soft toys

Special awards: Principal’s choice awards
Judging at 10.30am
Grand parade at 11.30pm
All pets must be collected by 12.30pm at the latest.
Prize giving to follow Grand Parade

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Hi All

Some pictures from last weeks Morning Programme presentations.
Big thank you once again to all those who presented - very informative!
We have a couple to catch up on so hope to fit these in one morning this week.
This week for Morning Programme we have:
Pippa on How To
Jedi on Our Place
Jada on Famous Person
Charlotte K on My Favourite Holiday
Liam on Book Review
Do come and see me or send an email if you have any questions or are needing some help.
Have a great week!
Emma Stratford

Sunday, 5 November 2017

Art Auction Artworks

Now is the time to pay and collect the piece/s of art that you signed up for. Chrissy is happy to collect the payment and will give you your piece of art.
Thanks for getting this sorted as quickly as possible.

Hi All

Sharing some photos from Friday's Morning Programme.
Thanks to all those who presented!
For this week we have:
Bella D and Eden on How To
Lily and Findlay on My Favourite Holiday
Ted on Book Review
Do come and see me or email me if you've any questions about Morning Programme.

Week 4 Term 3

A busy week for us last week, out and about. The liturgy at the cemetery to mark All Souls Day was special ,as was watching the respect the children had for the area, and helping some to find family members and place some rosemary for remembrance by the head stones.

What's on this week:
Monday Kapahaka - 11am - this term there is the opportunity for those thinking about joining the group to come and watch/participate, so that they have an idea of what is expected of them as a group member.
Tuesday: Central Otago Athletic Sports: Best of luck, Jack, Zack, Jay-T, Jada, Charlotte K, Pippa, Bella D and Amelia. Go and enjoy this experience of representing the school - we are proud of you. Be sure to wear your school sports uniform including your sunhat. Mrs Lyon will be the teacher looking after the team on the bank and Tyla O'Neill will look after the under 9 girls team, with Hannah O'Connor and Owen Gullick  looking after the boys as you go around the field rotations. Be at Molyneux Park by 9:00am. The long distance races for years 5 - 8 will start at 9:15 with the girls sprints and the boys field rotations at 9:30am. Check out the Central Otago Primary School Athletics Facebook page for more information.
Wednesday: We take our turn at 1:30 planting the native garden outside Rooms 5 & 6. Parish Mass at 9:00am.
Friday: Our assembly will be next week now, owing to there being a swap at the school of technology for Room 6.

Scooters: We have been so much better at taking responsibility for riding only on the court and storing our scooters on the grass at the end of the court.  Well done.  A reminder though, that scooters are not to be shared and that shores must be worn when scootering.


  • Reading - well done Savannah on reading every night all term. What a star! Don't forget to record what you are reading in your logs. It is exciting to see quite a few people choosing to read their own material - go you! "The more you read the better you write!" and the more you know if you are choosing to read stuff that is really interesting to you. Don't forget that on the Sunshine on line site, there are books up to level 30, and lots of new non-fiction texts are appearing. Might be worth another look.
  • Spelling - a mixture of words to practise the skills we have worked on this year. Take the time to revise the spelling patterns that we have leaned this year as another test will be coming up. I know several people really keen to move levels - check out that you can use what you know on unknown words.  This week in class we are revising the long 'e' spelling patterns, working on sampling and looking to see what looks right.
  • Morning Programme - be sure that you are ready to share yours on Friday if it is your turn.
Looking forward to seeing what revolting recipes are written this week! Not sure that these will make the St Gerard's Recipe Book. We have been having fun learning about the structure of instructional writing.

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Term 4 Duathlon Information - Wanaka & Queenstown

Information from Bill Godsall. - arrived too late for the newsletter this week.

Race 1: Wanaka Foreshore   Sunday 12th November 2017, register online to get free Tee Shirt, Entries close Wednesday 8th November  5pm enter online KIDSDUATHLON.CO.NZ

Race 2: Queenstown Lake Hayes Showground Sunday 26th November 2017, register online to get free Tee Shirt, Entries close Wednesday 8th November  5pm enter online KIDSDUATHLON.CO.NZ

Monday, 30 October 2017

Week 3 Term 4

What an amazing job everyone did towards the school fair. Thank you all for the many contributions.
Apologies for the silence on the blog front, but have just got my head above the athletic sports, which was so well supported by everyone.

This week there is reading and spelling homework, with spelling being tested on Friday.

As Mrs Stratford was unwell on Friday, I was lucky enough to listen to the Morning Programme. Well done you people - Amelia your instructions were so clear - you used the terminology of 'instructions' that we are learning about for our writing. Two fantastic book reviews followed, with Aurelia sharing part of hers in song. What a beautiful voice you have Aurelia. Isabella organised hers independently and we loved hearing your favourite pages. A couple of people need to catch up this week for Mrs Stratford, Jay-T and ??? - I did have this written on the board, but it has gone.

WOW! A Wheels Term:
Just a reminder that scooters need to be parked on the grass at the end of the mini ball court during the day. There is no riding of scooters anywhere other than on the court and scooters need to be pushed down the hill to the church after school.

Wednesday 1st November - Thyme Festival Lunch Time Concert: 12 - 1pm
We are leaving for the area between St Enoch's church  and Community House at 11:35am and will be eating our lunch there. It would be super to have some parents to walk with us. I am attending a Reading Recovery In -Service Course at 1pm so Mrs Stratford will be with the class from 12:45.
The items that our school are presenting this year are: Junior School Kapahaka, School choir and main Kapahaka.  This means that many of us will be an audience this year. Be sure to have your correct summer uniform with your school hat. The main Kapahaka group need to wear the school sports uniform. (school tee-shirt, black shorts and school hat.)

All Souls Day: Thursday 2nd November
Lunch will be at 12 - 12:45. We will walk to the cemetery at 1pm. Again I would appreciate parents to walk with us. There will be a short liturgy followed by placing of rosemary for remembrance on graves.

We have been busy planning a variety of learning experiences for the term - the dates are now as confirmed as possible - you may want to write these on your calendar if you don't already use the school calendar on the website.
Friday 24 November: Pet Day
Week 7: Monday 27th - 30th November - Junior Syndicate Christmas Crafts Week. 12:30 - 2:45
Wednesday 29th: 10:30 - 11:15 - Bike check with Mr Milford (NZ Police) - preparation for out EOTC day. Gives time for anything that is unsafe. Please be sure to check your bike before this time. We will learn what to look for on this day.
Friday 1st December: Rooms 3 & 4 EOTC Day
Week 8: Monday & Tuesday: Singing Eisteddfods
Parish Mass Wednesday 6th December Room 3
Thursday 7th: Eisteddfod assembly 1:30
Friday 8th December & Monday 11th: Harold LIFE Education - the topic we will be learning about is Resilience.

Great to see everyone with hats to protect them from this hot sun. Remember that there is sunblock in the medical room if required, although I know many people prefer to put this on before school. Super to see some children carry their own personal sunblock in their back packs.

Have a great week - hard to believe that we are into week 3 already.

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Hi All

A week of sunshine - yay!
Apologies for no photos this week.  I was away on Friday and didn't get to listen to the Morning Programme presentations.
I hear they were pretty fabulous though!
After posting the timetable for Morning Programme last week we have decided to make some changes.
The children have had a choice for this term as to what they present.
Some have chosen topics they haven't presented before and others are choosing to repeat a favourite.
Great to see the children taking ownership of this.
So for this week we have:

Savannah and Taine on Our Place
Tamai on Current Events
Jack and Charlotte O on Favourite Holiday
Zack on Book Review

If you've any questions please pop in to see me or you can email me on

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Hi All
Hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend and looking forward to Athletics tomorrow!
Have posted below the timetable for Morning Programme for this term.
This Friday we have Amelia, Jay-T, Bella B, Quinn and Amelia presenting (we have already heard from Tara😊)
If you need any help with preparation for Friday do come and see me.
Best of luck for Athletics tomorrow everyone!!!
Emma Stratford

Room 3 Morning Programme Term 4
Morning programme will be part of our Oral Language programme each Friday.  The purpose is to practise speaking and listening skills and to question others to gain more information, or to clarify information.
Morning programme topics will need to be prepared at home prior to the presentation date.  They can be prepared on a piece of A4 paper, so that once they have been presented they can be glued in a class book as a record.  As this is oral language and not simply a reading task, it is a good idea to practise speaking clearly with a suitable volume and making the presentation interesting (this may include showing items, photos/pictures, or demonstrating).

My Favourite Holiday
Prepare a short talk about your favourite family holiday it might be one you’ve been on or one you’re planning to go on.  This may include where you went, how you got there, where you stayed, who you holidayed with, your favourite activities on the holiday….
Book Review
Choose a favourite book. Tell the class the title, author, illustrator, suitable age level, what the story is about and why you enjoyed it.  Show a favourite picture or read a favourite paragraph.
How to . . .
Choose something you know how to do and describe it to the class in a logical order or numbered steps e.g. a favourite recipe, an experiment, instructions to make or do something . . .
Our Place
Select a place in New Zealand.  Be able to pin-point it on a map of NZ.  Find at least 5 facts about it.  This might include where it is, (which island) population, attractions etc . . .
Current Events
Present news in your own words from the newspaper, television, internet or radio.  You need to be able to understand what the news is about so that you can keep the audience interested.
Famous Person
Choose someone who is famous either in NZ or in another country.  Find out what they are famous for and some interesting facts about them.

Morning Programme Groups Term 4

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Bella B
Charlotte O
Bella D
Charlotte K

Friday 27 Oct
Friday 3 Nov
Friday 10 Nov
Friday 17 Nov
Round 1
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
How to...
Charlotte O
Charlotte K
Our Place
Jay -T
Bella D
Current Events
Bella B
Famous Person
My Favourite Holiday
Book Review

Friday 24 Nov
Friday 1 Dec
Friday 8 Dec
Friday 15 Dec
Round 2
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Our Place
Charlotte O
Charlotte K
Current Events
Jay - T
Bella D
Famous Person
Bella B
My Favourite Holiday
Book Review
How to...