Saturday, 29 July 2017

Ski Trip Gear List

Clothing and Equipment List – Year 3 & 4 Ski Day, August 31st, 2017

·      Jacket – it needs to be waterproof AND windproof
·      Overtrousers or ski suit (waterproof)
·      Polyprop or merino ‘long johns’ underwear
·      Track pants
·      1 spare pair socks (thick, woollen if possible)
·      Polyprop, skivvy or shirt, jersey (merino/woollen)
·      Gloves (waterproof)
·      Sunscreen
·      Packed lunch box including morning tea, and water bottle
·      Hi-visibility vest
·      Hat or balaclava (woollen/polar fleece)
·      Helmet
·      Goggles/sunglasses
·      Plasters to prevent blisters

*Remember, several thin layers of clothing are better than one thick layer of clothing.

*Please do not bring lollies, money, phones or gadgets.

Week 2 Term 3

Frosty nights but beautiful days - although some ice early on and muddy patches to contend with.
Great to have Mrs Stratford join us last week, thank you all for making her feel so welcome to our wonderful room of learning.
Ski Day: information went home on Thursday with a tear off slip - Wow quite a few back by Friday - thanks so much, as this makes it so much easier for planning. Please by Wednesday - I know that some people may be wanting to confirm leave, to hit the trails with us. A separate post with the clothing list will be on the blog, which will also come home as a hard copy for the fridge door.
Gymnastics = Tuesdays: Please be sure to wear sports uniform - so much easier than kilts.
Cross Country: we are challenging ourselves as we get fit for this school event. Please wear a pair of runners to school each day - school shoes are hard to run in and not good for feet, ankles or legs!
Closer to the time we will walk then run the track and will need some parents to accompany us. Pencil in Monday 14th August at 1:30.
Wednesday Mass: 9:00 am - led by Room 4
CRT Release Time: Thursday 3 August 10:30 - 12:45: This term we welcome Mrs Chamberlain, who is going to teach dance - we will be stars by the end of the term with both gymnastics and dance. Be sure that you are at the wow night in the last week of term where we will share some of the term's learning.
Feeling excited: We sent some amazing colouring to Southernwide Real Estate last week and a little birdie has told us that St Gerards has a winner - that means an i-pad for a class and a scooter for the person who won!!!!
School Mass = Sunday 13th August 
Assembly this week will be led by Rooms 3 & 7: love to see you there!

  1. Reading: remember to read something every night.
  2. Spelling; time ran away on us last week and we didn't get our lists tooled ready to take home.  All done for this week, but 7 people didn't have their homework books here to glue them in.  Please have a good look at home for these and the poetry books that are AWOL at home.
  3. Clothing for gymnastics on Tuesday & running shoes each day. Have an extra wee run with the dog or Mum or Dad.  I hear a whisper that someone was going to the course at the weekend to have a wee run!! 
Homework at the weekend = surely NOT.
School Photos on Friday = school shoes. 
(no runners in the photos)
Sports team photos will also be taken - bring your tracksuits, sports uniforms & netball skirts.
Vanessa & Kate - please check with the office as to an approximate time as we'd love to have you in the photos with the girls.

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Ski Trip - Years 3&4

Things are finalised and a note went home to everyone today.  Please check the bags.

Ski  Trip  -  Years 3 & 4

Thursday 27th July 2017

Dear Parents
Years 3 & 4 have an Outdoor Education Ski Trip to the Snow Farm (cross country skiing) on Thursday 31st August, cancellation day Friday 1st September.
All students will be grouped for lessons, with parents amongst the groups for extra supervision and assistance.

All children will be taking a lesson at the beginning of the day with groupings being sorted by ski instructors. We need to know whether those of you accompanying us to supervise the children want to be included in the lessons. The Snow Farm has a policy that if parents are there to supervise children, they are free of charge, but it was made clear that if parents head off to ski alone, then they will need to pay the going rate on the field.

The day will consist of a ski lesson at 9:30, entry to the snow park (sledges etc), and an adventure on the trails with our parents.

The costing (if all children are attending) will be: $80.

Travel will be by bus, all children and teachers plus 2-3 parents, leaving the church car park at 7am sharp and departing from the skifield at 4pm.  Expected arrival time back in Alexandra is 6:00pm. To accommodate all the parents we will need a minimum of 2 vehicles, one of which would be our emergency vehicle.

To meet the required ratio of adults to students we need a minimum of 10 parents to accompany us on this day.  Please complete the attached form and return to the classroom teacher by Wednesday 2nd August so that we know we have sufficient parent support and planning for this trip can continue.

Chris Beilby / Markelle Ward / Emma Stratford

Rip off slip at the bottom to be returned by Wednesday 2nd August.


First week of gymnastics learning about balance.

I hope everyone has been practising the skills that Sharelle taught so that you are able to balance on equipment next week.

Some of the action shots of partner activities.


A note from Mrs Wright - the staff representative on the PTA.
There is a PTA meeting this Tuesday 1 August.  We have a very small PTA this year and in order for the fair in October to be successful, we desperately need some more parents involved.  This does not mean that you will be coerced onto the PTA, but rather that you are helping with some aspect of the fair.  If you feel that you would be able to help, please come along to the PTA meeting this Tuesday, or contact a parent rep from your class. 
It is important that one parent rep from each class attends the PTA meetings so that you are able to update other parents.

The Room 3 reps are Donna Ballantyne, who is also the president, and Stacey Waldron. Thank you ladies.

Monday, 24 July 2017

Homework Books & Poetry Books

Please have a scout about at home, as there are many poetry and homework books still 'on holiday'.  We need them in the classroom each day please.

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Week 1 Term 3

Kia Ora

Hopefully the beautiful sunny day is a taste of the weather for this term.
This term we welcome Mrs Emma Stratford to Room 3. I am very excited as I know the Mrs Stratford comes with lots of new exciting ideas to share as she teaches the maths and RE. Welcome to the Room 3 team.
We have a busy term ahead of us once again.
Sharelle Potter from Kelly Sports will be taking eight 45 minute sessions of gymnastics, which starts on Tuesday at 1:30 for us, for the first 5 weeks, followed by 3 Friday sessions.  Please be sure to wear your sports uniform so that you can move freely.  The first couple of weeks the skill being practised will be 'balance'.
School Photos - Friday 4th August.
School Mass - 9am Sunday 13th August - we look forward to sharing this celebration together.
As the school cross country will be held on Wednesday 16th August we will be practising our running for this as part of our fitness, so it would be a good idea to have runners to wear for this. If you know that you can make yourself available to assist on the day of the event we would be keen to hear from you.
Ski Day: Thursday 31st August with the cancellation day Friday 1st September. We will be sending information home as soon as we have costings for the travel. I'm practising my skill of patience as this trip has had its fair share of issues to resolve BUT it will be well and truly worth it. All children will need a windproof & waterproof outer layer (pants & jacket) for a day in the snow. Now might be a good time to beg and borrow some of this if you don't have these items to hand.
Interviews are in week 2. To book an interview please go to and use the code adtrg to book a time. A number of reports went home at the end of the term and Tara, Jada, Taine, Savannah, Bella D and Quinn's reports are in the pipeline. I would be happy to meet with you people as well if that suits, and you want to make a time.  As a class we will all be reflecting on the goals that we set in March, and adding or changing these.  Check out the homework book and have a chat about the goals we all set together -  add your thoughts as to where to next.
At the end of the term a "WOW" night is planned to celebrate learning. Watch the newsletter for more information about this.
Kapahaka: will be with Ms Tamati on Mondays every even week at 11am, and with Mr Yeoman and myself on odd weeks at 2:15.  This is the term of Polyfest in Dunedin.
Eisteddfod: A speech will be presented Monday 25th September. In class we will work on the format for this - an exciting opening, some really interesting facts followed by a strong ending (so that people know that you have finished).  We call this the 'hamburger'. I would encourage children to choose a topic that is a real passion for them as this way they will be excited about finding out interesting information to share, and will be enthusiastic in their presentation. Poetry eisteddfod assessment sheets are in homework books.  These give an idea of the oral language area that may need a bit more practice. The poems were fantastic at the end of the term, and our first poem for the term is written by a class poet.  Thank you for allowing us to share this, Jack.

  1. Reading: who will be first to 150 nights of reading?
  2. Spelling: we worked on long 'u' in week 9 and lots of people struggled with it.  Was it the end of term bugs? really tired? Who knows, but we are going to work on this again in week 1 and 2 this term to secure these patterns. Please make sure that your child is saying, listening then recording the sounds in order and looking at the pattern that is making the long 'u' sound - not just learning the visual pattern of the word.  We need to be able to use our tooling skills when writing independently.
  3. Cross Country Training: the more you do something, the better you get.  Take a wee run outside to increase your fitness.

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Items for the Junk Box

After a term of Discovery where getting out the boxes of recycled junk has been a favourite activity for making things, my supplies of bits and pieces is fairly low.  It would be great if you could keep ice cream containers, plastic pottles, cartons and any other interesting bits and pieces to replenish the supply.  Thanks so much.

Friday, 7 July 2017

Our Surprise for Ms Bennett

Thanks everyone for the beautiful food. It was a special meal that we shared with Ms Bennett.  Sorry I didn't get a photo of the lovely 'gardening mug' that was chosen for the gift, but here are some photos of the lunch.

What should I do with this beautiful bow?
You could wear it in your hair!

Thursday, 6 July 2017

The Big Surprise!

Well Room 3, if you aren't the cleverest people at keeping a big secret!!  What a huge surprise today when I got called in to the classroom.  I thought you and Mrs Beilby were doing reading, and all the time you were getting ready to surprise me!!  And it was a great surprise, I got such a shock, but a good shock!  Thank you all very much for bringing lovely tasty food for us all to enjoy.  I absolutely love my presents too.  The coffee mug is really pretty and I'll enjoy having my tea or coffee or milo in it.  I loved the wee silver "Thank You" button and I'll keep it in a special place, by my bed, where I will see it every morning and every night.  The flowers are now in a vase on the table and the cards are there too, where I can read them.  It was a really great day, thanks to all of you and Mrs Beilby.
I will miss you, no doubt about it, but I'll be in and out of school so I'll see you.  You're awesome people, great learners, good friends.  God bless you every day and in every way!  I have loved being one of your teachers.  Keep up the good work, and I know you'll love having Mrs Stratford next term.  Bye for now.  Love from Ms Bennett. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx That's 23!!  One for each of you.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Eisteddfod Presenters

Congratulations to all of you who have worked so hard on your poems. We had 9 people in the semifinals this morning and after much deliberation Mrs Ward and I chose 6 - such a hard job.

Representing Years 3 & 4 this year are:
Lars Shea, Jelena Morrell, Mason Broome, Pippa Williams, Charlotte O'Kane, Tara Mulholland with Quinn Lemuelu being on stand by in case someone is sick.

Well done Lily Adams and Sophie Tait who were the other semi finalists.

Discovery Week 10

What an awesome afternoon we had today. Thank you to the four helpers who came to assist with poi making.

Getting onto the plaiting - thank you for a few expert tips, Jess.

Zack's Mum and Grandma, Jess and Regina all helping us with the tricky bits.

Hello Ted, knew you would love creating something else from the junk box. Hope you didn't scare Mum too much.

Got the pois - now for a quick song and a lesson so that we can share our new equipment.

Today we enjoyed using our new red i-pads - wonderful to have some again after a long wait for the supplier. Jedi, the musician, worked on garage band on a computer, and shared with us a wonderful base beat to move to. those who worked in Room 7, used the dress ups and we enjoyed watching their play on our TV. Thank you Mrs Laidlaw for videoing this. Wonderful way to enjoy our last Discovery Time for this term.  Bring on term 3.

Thank you so much to you parents who have come and shared skills or assisted with activities over the term - we appreciate the extra pairs of hands.

Sunday, 2 July 2017

Week 10 Term 2

A busy week to complete the term. Eisteddfods will be heard on Monday and Tuesday with those presenting on Thursday being named in the school newsletter on Wednesday.  I'll also pop a quick post up in case people need earlier notification.

Monday: 11:45 - lunch time First Aid Training. A good idea for girls to wear track pants as in the past this has been quite hands on.
Tuesday: Last day of skating. It is wonderful to see and hear how excited the students are about what they can do on the ice.  This is also commented on by the parents of the Year 1 & 2 students. Thank you Cheryl and Rachael our two wonderful coaches.
Wednesday: Discovery 1:30. this week we will be making pois, so a few extra pairs of hands would be most appreciated, as we need to plait and secure our pois.
Thursday: 12:15 surprise and 1:30 Eisteddfod assembly
Friday: 1:30 Cultural assembly. Room 3 & 4 will be sharing kapahaka - item/s? yet to be confirmed. Thank you Tara and Kiri for offering to talk about your culture.  It's not quite too late to offer to share something. Let me know asap so that I can let the school cultural leaders know.

Years 3 & 4 Ski Trip:
We have been working to secure some form of accommodation since February when we discovered that our usual accommodation on the mountain was already booked by winter ski teams. Not expected by us!! Will book soon for the accommodation for 2019!! So the plan now is to have a ski day at the Snow Farm on Thursday 31st August with the cancellation day of Friday 1st September. Once we have all quotes to hand there will be a parent meeting early in term 2.

With all the extras going on this week, not all groups will have reading every day. Please expect a book home from the browse box though, and I will be in the classroom ready to hear those before school readers.

Spelling: After Friday's mid year spelling test several people have moved from level 2 to 3 and some from 3 to 4. Well done!! To be at the standard Year 3 need to be working at level 3 by the end of the year, and Year 4 at level 4.  We all need to make sure that we sample words and then as good readers look at the words to choose the one that 'looks right'. We will continue to work on this skill next term.
No spelling homework this week, we'll continue with the 'long u' sound after the holidays.

Thank you for all your support this term - especially to those parents who have helped out at Discovery and on the last minute walks to learn outdoors. We really appreciate your willingness to support us in that way.

Have a fantastic holiday.