Junior School Christmas Craft Rotation Week
Four afternoons will be spent on a variety of Christmas crafts. A great opportunity to give Room 3 some leadership as they help younger students to create their bits and pieces.
No Discovery this week.
Friday sees us enjoying an EOTC event with Room 4. Please make sure that you return your notice to school so that we can evaluate whether there are enough parents to assist us. I suspect as the number of people reading the blog is small, that some have not yet got this information. It was agreed earlier in the year that the blog was a clear way to communicate class information. The response is now urgent so we are asking for all notes to be back by Wednesday. Thank you to those who have already responded.
CRT - Jewellery making Thursday with Mrs Chamberlain while I complete testing. Exciting to see how much people have improved in their reading this year.
Thank you so much parents for bringing all those well loved pets to school on Friday. What a super Pet Day we had!
- Reading: your own choice, plus learn the words to the Christmas songs. Jesus Lullaby (for Discovery visits with Room 7), No Room For You Tonight (Room 3 song) and Christmas Is The Time (Whole school song). These should be glued into homework books. Those with no book at school need to see me to get these words.
- Eisteddfod Song: these should be 'humming along' now, ready to present next Monday or Tuesday
- Spelling: yeah! last week! end of year test at some stage this week. Keep working on listening to the order of the sounds and sampling long vowel spelling patterns, then think "What looks right?"
- Morning Programme: a few people on the whiteboard