Monday, 26 March 2018

Holy Week Liturgy

Hi All

Hope everyone has enjoyed a restful long weekend.
Holy Week Liturgy
This Thursday we have a School Liturgy for Holy Week in the Church at 9am.  
You are all very welcome to join us.
All of the classes are presenting a reading and singing a song.
Missing Clothing
Could you please check the label on your child's jumper as Eden Breen has lost hers.
Morning Programme
Below are some photos of last weeks Morning Programme.
We all learnt a lot about shearing and origami.  
Thankyou Tane and Tamai!!
As we have had such busy Friday's we have some Morning Programme presentations to catch up on next Friday so to present we have Claire, Eden and Jedi.
Because of Good Friday we miss our trip to the Library this week.
Hope you all enjoy your Easter Break!!

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Term 1 Eisteddfod - Scripture Reading

Scripture Reading Information

Scripture Reading Challenge 2018

  • Your scripture reading can be anything you like, eg. a parable, a psalm, a reading from the Gospels.

  • Introduction: Years 3/4: 15-20 seconds. This is a time to use the main ideas or theme of their scripture reading to make up a small speech explaining what the reading means to them, without retelling the reading – ie. ‘I chose this reading because ..... What the story of the Last Supper tells/demonstrates/means to me is ...... ‘ This part of the eisteddfod should be well prepared like a speech so that it is not just read from a paper.

  • The Reading:  for Year 3 & 4 should be 1 – 1.5 minutes long, it will just be some verses of the Scripture.

  • Format for scripture reading on the day: Students will start with their introduction, then  say “This is a reading from e.g.: Matthew Chapter 3, Verses 1 -14 ...” then start the reading. At the end, if it is a gospel reading only say, “The Gospel of the Lord” otherwise they say “The Word of the Lord”.

  • Timetable: Monday  9th or Tuesday  10th April, class Eisteddfods will be heard,
-       Eisteddfod assembly will be on Thursday 12th April, names will be in the school newsletter. 

  • For students to remember:
-       When reading from the Bible you do not have to look up at your audience all the time
-       Use good expression when you read.
-       Do not read too fast.
-       Pause correctly.
-       You do not have to learn you reading off by heart but you should learn your introduction.

-       Make sure your words and voice are very clear, so that your audience understands.

Week 8 Term 1

What super weather for the outdoors again at the weekend. Hope this weather can be a little kind and stay a bit longer for our Year 5 & 6 students who are biking on the Rail Trail.
What great ideas people had for their leprechaun traps last week. 

Not sure how many were caught on St Patrick's Day. We will be thinking about how successful our designs were this week. All great designers have to problem solve and many of us had to do that on Friday, as what looked good on paper just wouldn't stand up the way it was meant to. Thank you parents for all the bits and pieces that were collected for this activity.

Monday saw us attend a "Magician Show"- it certainly was amazing as we watched birds appear and disappear, then the final act was Charlie lying 'suspended in space'.  We are all still wondering how this was done. 

 The message of this "You've Got The Power" show, was related to values. A magical ladder, that came out of a flat suitcase, ended with 5 words hung from it. Respect. Helpful, Responsibility, Trustworthy, Caring. All this was presented amongst everything that was expected of a magician.

We are really getting the hang of ukulele with Baz on Friday mornings. I think you'll agree we look the part now and we are sounding really good as well - both our playing and singing.

Scripture Reading Eisteddfod is coming up. Now is the time to think about a Bible story that you enjoy, and prepare a few verses to read. Check out the separate post about this. Just reminder that this year your eisteddfod needs to be a Bible reading not a prayer. You do not need to learn this off by heart. There is a class Bible story book with many suitable texts, or you could choose to read a small part of a favourite story from the Bible the PTA gave to you. Please do not attempt to read the whole story. Please ask Mrs Stratford or myself for help in finding something by the end of next week, if you can't find something at home. The more prepared you are the easier it is on the day.

Wednesday - netball players wear sports uniform. There will be the opportunity to have some coaching from 11:15 till 11:45 with the Southern Steel players. Thank you Sophie Johns for remembering your old school and offering this opportunity.

Assembly 2:10 lead by Room 2 & Room 6

Fridge Words: selfish, dainty, addition, subtraction

Reading: every night please. There are still some people who do not have reading folders. If you have lost yours, Chrissy has some for sale in the office.

Morning Programme: check the planner that you have.

Study Ladder: keep working on the tasks set by Mrs Stratford.

Looking forward to a week that has fewer interruptions.

Apologies for the state of the photos - too many sticky fingers on my phone - next ones should be much clearer!

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Head Lice

Just please be aware these are about!!

Here is a link to a Clip about head lice!!

They are very hard to spot!!

Itching is the very easy to see!!!

Please all check!!

Clip on Nits!! 

Sunday, 11 March 2018

Hi All

Just a reminder it is a Library visit this Friday so children will need their library cards.
Sharing some photos from Friday's Morning Programme.
We were treated to an origami lesson and some exciting holiday tales.
It was fantastic thanks Aurelia and Finn!! 
Your children would have bought home some origami paper and instructions to complete their origami - lots of us got stuck at the end and decided some extra help from home would be useful😀

With Ukelale on a Friday now we are running a little behind in our presentations.
We still have Tamai and Jedi from the Year 4 group to present.
Below I am posting the new timetable for Morning Programme.
Just a reminder that the children are able to choose from the choice of topics as to what they would like to present.
Next Morning Programme is Friday 23 March and we have presenting Tane, Jack McLean and Claire

Room 3 Morning Programme 2018

Morning programme will be part of our Oral Language programme each Friday.  The children will present twice a year and can choose from the below topics.  There is a table below showing when your child is presenting.  As part of our Diary use this year I will also get the children to record in their diary if they are on Morning Programme that week.
The purpose is to practise speaking and listening skills and to question others to gain more information, or to clarify information.
Morning programme topics will need to be prepared at home prior to the presentation date.  They can be prepared on a piece of A4 paper, so that once they have been presented they can be glued in a class book as a record.  As this is oral language and not simply a reading task, it is a good idea to practise speaking clearly with a suitable volume and making the presentation interesting (this may include showing items, photos/pictures, or demonstrating).

About Me
Prepare a short talk about yourself.  This may include your full name, where and when you were born, places you have lived, information about you and your family, pets, likes, dislikes, hobbies . . .
Book Review
Choose a favourite book. Tell the class the title, author, illustrator, suitable age level, what the story is about and why you enjoyed it.  Show a favourite picture or read a favourite paragraph.
How to . . .
Choose something you know how to do and describe it to the class in a logical order or numbered steps e.g. a favourite recipe, an experiment, instructions to make or do something . . .
Our Place
Select a place in New Zealand.  Be able to pinpoint it on a map of NZ.  Find at least 5 facts about it. This might include where it is, (which island) population, attractions etc . . .
Current Events
Present news in your own words from the newspaper, television, internet or radio.  You need to be able to understand what the news is about so that you can keep the audience interested.
Famous Person
Choose someone who is famous either in NZ or in another country.  Find out what they are famous for and some interesting facts about them.

Term 1
ctWeek Four
Term 1
Week Six
Term 1
Week Eight
Jack Mck
Term 2 Week Two
Term 2
Week Four
Term 2
Week Six
Jack Melvin
Term 2
Week Eight
Term 3
Week Two

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Week 6 Discovery

What a great opportunity to slot in our weekly Discovery today, as the championship swim sports were finished before lunch. Yes, we were all really excited, as we were competing at the triathlon at our usual Discovery time.

Some photos of our learning today. Our goal for next week is to work better as a team at clean up time, as today some of us kept making and then didn't get the opportunity to share, which is a really exciting part.

"I'll take a photo of you with my camera, while you take a photo of me."

Yes Baz, a little bit of practice before Friday. Bella is helping Tamai and Jasmine. We will have ukeleles in the room so that we can choose to play them as a "can do" activity. We are looking after them carefully, and we helped each other to tune these before we started. 

Finally we have our water station up and running. Lots of measuring, pouring and playing going on here.

Today we had a 'magic trick' to try with water and paper.

 Go Taine, who managed to hold a glass of water upside down with a piece of paper keeping the water in. He managed to do this for a whole minute. Why does this work? 

What a real favourite these are. Thank you Mrs Stratford for sharing these from home. Check out how they look in a photo when they are spinning! Real cool!

Yes, our favourite, making station - all sorts of cranes, mini houses and anything else you want to think of are being designed and created. What fantastic imaginations. Next week our poetry activity is to design a leprechaun trap! I can't wait to see what this imaginative bunch come up with. We will be making these on Friday. We will label our design and make a list of what we need to bring to make this. I have been saving supply of tubes that I get from the deli - thank you Jenny and New World. I'm sure they will come in handy.

Jasmine and Mark-Allan hard at it. This is such a different kind of learning Jasmine.

Monday, 5 March 2018

Doodles and Thank you letters

We all so enjoyed the visit from Bruce Potter - illustrator and author.

Here are some of our thank you letters which show all the different things that we learned from Bruce, and some of our new Doodle Bugs.

Dear Mr Potter/Bruce:

  • I like your creative imagination. I like the way you can just pull stuff out of your imagination. The best part was listening to the Doodle Bug.  Jack Mc
  • Thank you for coming to our classroom. I learned a spectacular song. I love, love your book. Louisa
  • Thank you for showing us lots of different doodles. The best part was when you zoomed in and showed us Doodle Bug in the eye. I learned that we can all do amazing things if we can dream it.  Olivia
  • Thank you for teaching us how to doodle. I have been doodling. I learned that you don't have to look at a picture, you can doodle!  James
  • Thank you for showing us Doodle Bug and showing us your books. I learned dream, believe and achieve. I hope you write some more books. The best thing was the Doodle Bug, he is very interesting. I like how in the book he tells you to doodle.  Eden
  • Thank you for coming. I love your books because they are amazing. The pictures from your mind are amazing. I learned that with doodling, you can do whatever you want. The best part was doodling because you don't have to do a creature that actually lived, and you don't have to do what you planned.  Boston
  • Thank you for illustrating Penny the Prolific Pooing Cow and Doodle Bug. They are amazing and prolific just like you. I learned if you can dream it, you can be it. I love your imagination. I always read Doodle Bug and we have been watching Penny the Prolific Pooing Cow on You-tube. It is funny. We have shown some other teachers too.  Mills. 
  • Thank you for showing us your doodles. They are amazing. I learned how to make things look like they are real. the best part was when you showed us your Doodle Bug book.  Aurelia
  • Thank you for some words you taught us like 'you can do anything you can dream'. I enjoyed! Penny the Prolific Cow song. The best part was the Doodle Bug story because it has so much doodling. Varna

Some Doodle Bug cards - including Doodle Bug's cousin - thank you Jedi.

Triathlon Training Photos

Yep - we are all sorted for our big race and very independent.

Lots of fun, but boy are some of us fiercely competitive!! We are able to be safe as well as competitive! Good luck everyone for tomorrow. Do your best, enjoy and encourage each other as you did today.

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Week 6 Term 1

Great to see the transition skills, that most people put into practise this afternoon. We are well prepared to self manage our transitions at the triathlon tomorrow. (Tuesday).
Please remember to wear school sports uniform perhaps with school tack pants as the weather forecast is for a cooler day. Bring plenty to drink and something warm to put on after your race. Seems absurd, but it is important to wear your school sunhat, as the weather could surprise us. Just the reality of living on an island.

  • School Mass at 9am tomorrow led by Room 2 & Room 6. Please join us for this celebration.
  • Fridge words this week: tessellation, inspired, transition, pollution. We are hearing some well thought out sentences when we share with our talking buddies on Friday.
  • Census: take the time to talk to your child about this 'taking of statistics' for the whole of New Zealand. Perhaps if you haven't already completed yours, you could do it as a family activity.
  • Reading: well done to those people who are reading every night and writing this into their blue line each night in the diary. There are always books in the group reading boxes, so there should be a book every night. This is another area to self manage this year.
  • Spelling: on Friday we learned how to conduct and tool a list clearly and accurately. For the next 2 weeks children will be working through this list every day as part of their Literacy time "must do". We will test these on Friday at school.  Those on the STEPS programme have these words in their learning for this week - Mrs Nicholson has added these. You can expect to have the first spelling list home in week 8.
  • Wednesday: will be art with Mrs Laidlaw, so no Discovery. 
Great to see how so many people are really taking charge of their learning. I can't wait to see some puppet plays presented - making & designing puppets is a literacy "can do", and there have been some very busy beavers.

Friday, 2 March 2018


We are learning our mihimihi as we get ready to visit the marae at Otakau later in the year. By learning this piece by piece, we should be able to introduce ourselves fluently by September.
As we learn each statement we are recording the meaning with a picture.  Here is the first part, which is the new part for most of us.  Enjoy these wonderful illustrations. The first two have stories that can be retold.

These are in homework books so that it will be easy to revise later in the year. Homework books will start coming home in reading folders once we start bringing spelling home, which will be about week 7.

Mrs Laidlaw's Art

We are enjoying having our creative Mrs Laidlaw teach us art this year. She has displayed the first artworks in the classroom and they are absolutely stunning.


They are based on a painting from the famous artist Van Gogh.

Please come a view our wonderful paintings.

Bikes for Monday

It was decided that with the rain it would not be ideal to practise the transitions onto and off bikes today. We learned the process and will all practise this on Monday - please have your bike at school. Homework for this weekend is to make sure that safety checks have been done on bikes. We all have a diagram in our poetry book to help us remember what needs to be checked so that we can all enjoy the challenge of the triathlon safely. Years 3 & 4 will run the pathway that the Year 1 & 2's bike, then cross the road into the transition and push their bikes out of this area before riding down beside the roadway towards the netball courts. At the first track into the pines they will turn right and ride out out onto the roadway that goes down to the netball courts. We need to keep left on this road as we ride to the  turn around twice before we head to the next transition - walk our bikes onto the grass, shoes off and head into the pool. We are all quite excited about this event.  See you all on Tuesday.

We know to push our bikes out of the transition to keep everyone safe.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Hi All

Has been great to have our first full week at school.
Unfortunately Library and bikes had to be cancelled today because of the weather so just a reminder that some books may need returned or renewed for those children who got them out last time.
We have begun our Maths Stations in class and all children are now set up on Studyladder.  Their username and password has been pasted into the front of their Diaries.  As part of Maths homework could children please log in at home and spend some time on the Maths activities.
Have a great weekend!