Thank you all for your efforts with book character costumes on Friday - what a colourful parade we had.
These were the Room 3 'finalists' with their books. Liam was selected as one of the winners with his "Where the Wild Thigs Are" costume and book.
This will be the last blog post as we move to the Skool Loop App. Please follow the instructions in the school newsletter to download this app. Keeping you informed will be so much more efficient.
Monday: The junior school will be walking over to the cross country track at 1:45. It would be great if there were some parents to come with us. We will walk the track so that everyone knows where we will be running on Wednesday. Check the school newsletter for information about times. Great to see everyone in sports uniform last week - we have trained each day at fitness time. Keep this up.
PMP: all year 1's will be joining Mrs Wright and Bernadette in the hall at 9am on Thursday mornings for this programme. If you are able to help at an activity, please add your name to the roster on the Room 7 door. More helpers still required.
Homework Books: Please make sure that these are at school each day.
Maths: Some people will have the "What's My Number?" game in their reading folders. You just need a whiteboard marker so that the game can be played over and over. These are to keep at home and play. By looking at a hundreds board regularly we will be able to visualise the patterns on it, which helps develop a strong mathematical foundation. Have a conversation with your child about the patterns that they can see.
Spelling: the spelling group are working on the 'long i' spelling patterns again this week. We can all listen for words that have this sound in them when we are reading. Words like: hide, night, pie etc. Hearing these sounds is the first step, then use your 'sharp eyes' to spot the spelling pattern.
Looking forward to seeing people step up and support each other at the cross country on Wednesday. You can do it!!