Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Reading At Home

Each night your child should bring home a book to read. Please record what has been read in the reading log at the back of the homework book.  I hope that books going home are ones that you can enjoy with your child.  If you are concerned about the level being too hard or too easy please don't hesitate to contact me. At the moment our WALT for reading is to make our reading sound like talking by using speech marks and full stops.

I am working on routines, so will share the reading routine so that you can assist your child. Once this is established I hope that it will become a habit of getting ready for the day.
Children need to bring their book bags into the classroom when they arrive at school.  I would like to hear as many as possible read their favourite page and check their reading log.  Once we have shared their book they need to put their book bag into the yellow box just inside the classroom door.  When I take a group for reading I expect children to bring their book bag to the group lesson so that I can exchange books.  After the lesson the book bag needs to be put into their school bags ready to take home.  I am still picking up books left in the corridor after school.  Expect your child to have a book.

At the beginning of the year many children returned large numbers of books from home. Thank you for this as they are expensive to replace. This year if the reading book does not come back, your child will have reading with the group but will not be given another book to take home until the other is returned. This will mean that we can keep sets of books for groups to use for instructional reading.
Thanks for helping out with this.

On Fridays a library book and the poetry book will come home in the book bag.  Could everyone please check at home for their poetry books, as several have not come back to school since going home in the first week of the term.  Poetry is part of the reading programme. Poetry books need to come back to school on Mondays.

I hope this clarifies the process.

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