Monday, 9 February 2015

Stepping Out Assessment

Thank you so much to Mrs Jenkinson, Mr Morrell, Mrs Ryan and Mrs Ballantyne who helped Mr Milford today to assess the individual practical elements of the learning over the past week.
Congratulations to Annajhay, Sophie and Kimberley who passed all components. Keep remembering everything that you have learned when you are out and about on the road.
Each child will bring home their assessment booklet which indicates the areas that they are competent in and those that they need more assistance with.  In the middle of this booklet are the specific skills, and what each one entails. There is also a place for parents to sign this booklet once you are happy that your child is able to demonstrate the necessary components of each skill.  Thank you for following up on this teaching.  Our aim is to have very student knowledgeable about how to walk safely on our footpaths and roads.
Well done - everyone had their hi viz vest at school for the test. We need to see these on every day now as children come to and from school.

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