It was lovely to see some parents join us last Friday for mass at 12:00 and again at assembly. The next Friday mass that the school will attend is next Friday 12th June and it will be led by Room 5 with assembly being led by Room 6.
Thank you to everyone who handed in their homework books on Friday. I put time aside at a weekend to check the spelling has been tooled correctly before it goes home - no point in learning mistakes. It takes at least 27 times of unlearning for each single time something is learned incorrectly according to those who study the brain. Let's use the Habit of Mind "make it right" so that we don't need to relearn. Please check at home for missing homework and poetry books. I have some people with pieces of paper filed everywhere.
Today we completed the writing part of "My Granny", which was last week's poem.
Our writing WALTs:
- use a WOW word to describe grandma
- use a strong verb to tell about what she is doing
I'm sure you will enjoy and share what has been written about the very talented room 3 grandmas when the poetry books come home on Friday.
Year 3 & 4 have a cross country ski camp on the EOTC plan for next term. Mrs Ward has booked some dates at the Snow Farm 1st & 2nd September. There will be more information to hand shortly. This is the camp that our 11 year 3 students have been waiting for.
Swimming bus: please help Mrs Bennie by paying the $13 to the office as soon as possible. If you are not sure if you have paid, please contact the office. Swimming again on Thursday - remember your togs please or bring a note. We are lucky to have these lessons as other schools have missed out.
Reading: Please record what has been read in the reading log at the back of the homework book. I have more reading logs printed if you have run out of space - exciting to see that some people have!!
Spelling: working on conducting, tooling and recording words with the long 'e' spelling pattern. There is also a spelling goals sheet to read in homework books.
Poetry eisteddfod: a good time to choose your poem so that there is plenty of time to practise. I expect to see the poem in homework books by Friday 19th June. Please see me if your child needs help to find a suitable poem. When choosing the poem think about Room 3 being the audience, so it needs to be one we would enjoy. This week we are talking about poems that tell a story (narrative). We all like this sort of poem as we can "make a picture in our minds" of what is happening.
Well done Room 3 on being able to keep your bags tidy on the hooks under the verandah like Room 4. We have been working on keeping our lunch boxes inside our zipped up bags now. In the meantime we still have our Lost Property bin just inside the corridor, however once this space is the PTA shop all lost property will need to be put over outside Room 6. Please encourage your child to self manage and bring all their clothing home each day. A bit of a mission I know when the day starts so cold and everyone strips off to enjoy warm lunch times.
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