Monday, 7 December 2015

Week 9 Term 4

Eisteddfod Songs: those people who presented today showed that they had put lots of effort into choosing and practising their songs. Congratulations.  Unfortunately we did not hear all eisteddfods due to Harold and practices for the end of year functions.  Once I have completed the Year 2 presentations tomorrow, I will announce the Year 2 assembly performers and tell the children.  Some Year 3 people have expressed anxiety about performing their eisteddfod in Room 4.  It can be arranged for them to do theirs in Room 3 with Mrs Lyon assessing, please let me know if there is a problem as everyone will present something with support if necessary. The Eisteddfod assembly will be held in the hall on Thursday afternoon - will add the exact time.
Library Books: all back  by Friday please.  Thank you to those people who brought back many books last Friday - you are stars.
Reading: this week reading is learning the words to the songs that we are singing at the break up, and practising your part in the class plays.  Please have a good look around at home for any school reading books that may be under the bed or in book shelves.  As the numbers of children in the junior school has increased - fantastic!! - we are always looking for sets of books for groups and as sets were bought in groups of 6, if 2 people lose a book it makes it difficult, especially as we also have books in browsing boxes. Please check at home as it would be good to have these all back ready for next year.
Maths Buddy: great to see a number of people making the most of learning their maths.

Hard to believe only a few days of the year left.

Let's keep 'filling each other's buckets' as we move through Advent.

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