Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Week 9 Term 2

Wow, second last week already.
Last Friday we joined together as a school in the church to share some of our learning from the Holy Spirit Strand of the Religious Education programme.  It was wonderful to see some of you join us for this celebration.  We all enjoyed looking at the variety of presentations, and we were excited to share our art work. Our art is stored at the moment but will be displayed in the church after the present work is taken down.  Children wrote very thoughtful texts about what their piece of art showed and the choices they had made of colour. images and symbols.
Skating this week has been cancelled due to a breakdown of the refrigeration plant.  We hope that we will be off skating next week and may get catch up lessons at some stage.
Next week is Maori Language Week. We will be reading lots of Maori myths and legends, if you have some favourites at home please bring them to share.
Eisteddfods: next Monday and Tuesday with the  Eisteddfod assembly Thursday 7th July at 1:30. We will be presenting our eisteddfods with Room 4 and 6 students will be chosen to represent Years 3 & 4 at the school assembly.
Saturday 2nd July: Family Mass 6pm: there will be a soup meal at 5pm  and games followed by family mass. Please support this venture.  The plan this year is to trial these once a term to allow families to share the Eucharist together, as Sundays have now become very busy with sport.
Friday 8th July: Rooms 3 & 4 will lead the Friday 12:00 mass.


  • Reading: don't forget your reading log
  • Spelling: this week we begin to look at the long 'o' spelling patterns. over, goat, hope. Please encourage your child to listen to each word, identify where the long 'o' sound is, and look at the spelling pattern.
  • Poetry eisteddfod: work on your introduction, and being able to say your poem from memory with expression to make it interesting. Remember to practise in a mirror - speak slowly and clearly. Organise your props if you are wanting to dress up or have something to use to make the poem come alive.
We have all done some fantastic learning this term in all areas of the curriculum.  Keep practising your reading and maths on the sites you have.  Like anything 'the more you do it, the better you get!"
Have a great second last week.

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