Sunday, 21 May 2017

Week 4 Term 2

Gosh nearly half way through the term already.

Wonderful to have almost all the homework books and reading logs in each week - keep this up.
This week we are continuing to work on writing narratives which have an opening, introducing the characters and setting the scene, have a problem (or two), and an interesting ending. If you are reading to your child at home, make a point of talking about this structure and look at how the characters are introduced and the setting described.  We have done quite a bit of this before we started writing. It is exciting to see how everyone is stepping up to the challenge of this, while still being mindful of using the 'wow' words and a variety of sentence starts that we worked on last term.
Swimming: Tuesday and Thursday - what a lot of essential water safety skills we have learned over the last 3 weeks. Congratulations to Pippa who even managed to swim 18?? lengths of the main pool - that is just amazing. (let me know if I haven't got this correct) and Tara 10???
Wednesday will see Mrs Cooney joining Mrs Laidlaw to lead Discovery Time.  I will be at Reading Recovery training and Ms Bennett works in Room 5 each afternoon now. Jada is looking forward to having Granny as her teacher.
Friday is PINK SHIRT DAY watch the newsletter for information about this from our school Sticks'nStones Group.
School Mass - this Sunday 28th May. Please be seated with your class at 8:55am. Dress is school uniform. Please bring a plate to share for morning tea and an item for the community food bank.
Maori/Pasifika Hui: Wednesday 28th June - if your child is on our maori/pasifika roll, please pencil this date in on your calendar. Will start with kai at 5:30 with the hui to follow.


  1. Reading: every night - don't forget to record your reading in your log. We are all working on precise comprehension of texts -  page 19 in the Reading Log books has some great ideas to help with this. Another excellent page to look at is the list of words on page 41, which are the most commonly encountered words in reading.
  2. Spelling: we continue to learn the spelling patterns for the 'long e' sound. The sheet to practise on is glued into homework books. A few low scores in last week's testing and no practice done at home.  Step this up!
  3. Mathe: check out Ms Bennett's post.
  4. Eisteddfod - Poetry this term.

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