Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Week 1 Term 1 2018

Welcome back to school for 2018. What amazing summer weather we have had, so hopefully everyone will have spent plenty of time enjoying the many outdoor activities this area has on offer.

This first term is 11 weeks long, punctuated with holidays:
Week 2: Tuesday 6th Feb - Waitangi Day - remember that families are welcome to meet at Pioneer Park between 11am and 1pm for a picnic lunch and a spot of touch or maybe cricket. This initiative has been initiated by our Maori/Pasifika school community as a time to spend some fun time together. Bring your family and friends.
Week 9: Monday 26th March Otago Anniversary Day, Friday 30th Good Friday.
Week 10: Monday & Tuesday Easter.

Dates for your calendar:
Swimming: Thursday 1st February, Wednesday 7th February 1:00 - 1:30, Thursday 15th, Tuesday 20th, Wednesday 21st February 10:30 - 11:00. We will be travelling to and from the pool by bus. We will be honing our skills in preparation for the school swimming sports which will be held on Thursday 22nd February 9 - 12. Togs, towels and goggles.
8th February - Meet the Teacher Evening
5th - 9th March Walk & Wheel Week
6th March - school triathlon pm.

This year we have new "Diaries" for Year 4 and "Reading Journals" for Year 3. You will have seen these in the office when collecting the school stationery boxes. We will be encouraging students to record all the important happenings in these, so that they increase their independence and self management skills. Swimming dates etc need to be recorded by the students.

School stationery: please remember that we are happy for books that were unused last year to be used again this year, and that you can return books that you don't need, to Paper Plus for a refund.

Initially we will be establishing the working relationships in the classroom, putting into practice some exciting ideas that will support learning by inquiry and improving the quality of oral language. We have attended PD during the holidays. We will also look at Keeping Ourselves Safe as well as bike, road and bus safety.

Please feel free to email with any worries or make a time to pop in. Before school is often a busy time as we greet students or hear reading.

Mrs Stratford will be teaching each day from 9 - 10:30 while I am released to teach Reading Recovery. She will teach maths and Religious Education.

Looking forward to an exciting year with a great bunch of enthusiastic learners.

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