Once we had our lifejackets on and had Jenna check that they were fitted correctly and tightly enough, we moved into 2 groups.
The first group worked on how to enter the water with a life jacket on from the side of the pool, how to propel themselves through the water, then finally had races propelling themselves in long groups - keeping everyone together.
The other group learned how to load a boat safely for the best buoyancy, then scuba dived off the boat (backwards).

Once in the water they organised themselves into a huddle - boy we have lots of chiefs!! By lying back the way they are, they are making a big bright sunflower for a plane to see easily.
Finally one at a time they experienced the "air pocket" under an upturned boat and learned how to get under and back out again.
Again this is important water safety learning. Please talk about this at home. This last part of the activity was quite scary for some, but with their growth mindset and a supportive instructor who was with them every step of the way everyone overcame their fears and completed the activity.
On Tuesday the groups will be swapped around so that all have an opportunity.
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