Sunday, 12 May 2019

Week 3 Term 2

Happy Mother's day to all you amazing mothers. I hope that you have all had a special day with your families.

Tomorrow we welcome the ERO (Education Review Office) visitors to our school. The school and kapahaka group will welcome them at 11am in the hall. They will be with us until Wednesday.

Sports uniform: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week.

Monday: Mother's Day Cafe 2pm in Room 3. We hope you can all attend. Your child will serve you with a delicious afternoon tea. Please let me know if your child has no-one who can attend, so that I can buddy then up with a friend. Of course they are welcome to bring a neighbour or someone else who is special to them.

Tuesday & Thursday: Swimming. Last week the groups covered safety aspects like what to do if you are in the pool and there is an earthquake, doggy paddling in deep water and all enjoy the swimming under the water activities. Remember that this is not a learn to swim programme, but learn to survive. All safety aspects about the pool are well covered, so that they should all know what to do if there was an emergency situation while they were at the pool. Thank you for making sure that your child has their togs on these days.

Wednesday: Inter House Netball Tournament. Time to practise those netball skills that we have learned with Ashlee.
  1. Students will come to school in their house colours. Warm clothing needed please plus lunch and water. No pie warmers.
  2. Leave school at 12.15 to walk to courts and eat lunch there. Parents welcome to walk with us 
  3. Students need to be picked up from courts - not at the church carpark.
  4. Bus people can bought back to school if needed.        
  5. Sharelle and Ashlee will talk to students at 1pm .
  6. First game is 1.10. they are 5 mins long. No half time. 
Friday: Pink Shirt Day 
"Kōrero mai, Kōrero atu, Mauri tū, Mauri ora - Speak up, Stand together, Stop bullying!
Dress up in all your pink gear and bring a gold coin donation. Room 1 leaders will run this day - watch the newsletter for further information.

Religious Education: We are learning about The Holy Spirit and how it makes changes in our lives. Please check the homework books for the family information.

Spelling: This week some of the spelling group will bring their spelling home to complete. They are independent at this activity, but it is important that each word is tooled with sound lines - we are learning how to use our alphabet knowledge to spell words (a strategy we can use on hard words - listening to the sounds and recording in order). Copying the words across the sheet or learning to spell the words from memory is not the purpose of this task. Please come and see me if this does not make sense.

Looking forward to another full on week of learning with your children.

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