Thursday, 6 June 2019

Poetry Eisteddfod Tips

This information is in hard copy in each child's homework book. Next week our reading will be a poem a day! Poetry books will come home each night so that there is plenty to choose from for the eisteddfod poem. Year 1 may say a nursery rhyme, but as several of our year 1's have now rurned 6 I'm sure that a poem would not be too much of a challenge for them. Please check in the homework book as I have written the Year 1 expectations there. We have some super poems that could be acted out as they are said, with props (as long as these don't distract from the audience being able to hear the words).  I hope this preparation time is fun, so that it is not a last minute stress. Please let me know if your child needs me to help. Poems will be heard in week 9. I'll confirm the day after I have this sorted with Mrs Wright.

Of course if your child has a poem that they love - go for it. The poem does not need to be a class one.

Year 2 Poetry Eisteddfod - tips

·      Present a poem to an audience
·      Use a clear voice
·      Listen attentively to the presentations

What I could do ….
Introduction  5
Say the name of your poem
Say the name of the poet (if you know it)
Say why you chose the poem
Presentation 10

Say your poem with expression
Use the full stops, commas, speech marks and other punctuation
Look at the audience (eye contact)
Keep your head up
Try not to rush
Look like you are enjoying sharing your favourite poem
Preparation    5

Know your poem off by heart
Speak slowly
Choose a poem that the Room 7 & 3 audience will like
Voice              5
Use a loud voice so that we can all hear
Keep your head up so that your voice projects
Speak slowly
Use expression

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