Wednesday, 2 April 2014

A Late What's Happening Week 9

Sorry all that I haven't posted before this.  I am stage manager for the Clyde Theatre Group's production and every time I have tried to get into the blog I have had the message "safari can't find the server" - this has been at home after 10:30pm!!
Assembly: 2:10 Friday  Rooms 1 & 2 are the presenters
Father Pat visit: Father Pat will join us for meditation on Friday morning and then share a Jesus lesson with us.
Reports: the testing is completed for those people due a report and these will be out next week.  (Gabrielle, Olivia, Tadhg, Nicolas, Jacqui, Lucas, Annajhay, Ella, Thomas M, Bobbie, Sully, Caitlin, Rhianna). It has been great to catch up with one or two people who have looked at their children's 6 year nets with me.
Interviews from this reporting will be on Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th of April starting each day at 3:15. If you wish to book a preferred time please email me & I will add it to the booking sheet on the blog. This should be an easy way to see what times are available.
Leprechaun Traps: have been on display in the foyer since last Friday - a great day of making and problem solving when designs didn't quite go to plan.  Some very full oral explanations of how the design works - thank you Mrs Eastwood for typing these up to go with the traps.
Autumn Writing: next week we will aim to have a full page in the school newsletter of our writing which we are still working on. Ana and Thomas M just happened to be showing Mrs Eastwood their writing at the time this week's newsletter was being typed - something about being in the right place at the right time.
Sharing lunches: can you please reinforce at home that items in lunch boxes are not to be shared with other people.  If there is something that your child doesn't like we ask that they take it home to you and tell you - no throwing it in the bin or giving it away.
Eisteddfods: everyone has indicated that they are working on the presentation of a prayer (year 2) or a short reading (year 3).  The year 3 eisteddfods will be heard in Room 4 at 1:30 on Monday. We will all go into Room 4 to support our year threes while they speak - they will be in the first 10 to present.  Year 2 will then return to our class.  The time for the junior school (years 1 & 2) eisteddfods will be posted after I have talked to Mrs Flannery.
Have a great weekend.

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