Sunday, 13 April 2014

What's Happening Week 11?

This term has flown past, but it has been great to look back and see what learning we have all done - especially me as I get back on the bike teaching in the junior school - I am just loving this.
Congratulations Caity on representing our class so confidently when you said the suscipe at the whole school eisteddfods on Thursday.  Well done.
Last Friday we attended 12 Mass in the church, where we contributed with prayers, reading and songs.  Very proud of the amazing job Rooms 1 - 5 did.  Room 5 especially stepped up as the school leaders, as did we, when we led out Butterfly Song.
Next term I will be away for the first 5 weeks and Mrs Moors will be taking up the reins again.  Both she and the class are looking forward to having her teach again.  I know you will do some amazing things and learn lots about ICT.
PTA AGM: Tuesday - check the website for the time 7pm?  7:30pm? Please consider joining this enthusiastic team who do so much for our school.  Sue Brydges 021 852  355
Interviews are Tuesday and Wednesday.  8 people have already booked and 2 have been to look at results and where their children are at already.  It would be great to meet with everyone so that I'm sure that we have a shared understanding of where to for each child's learning.
Thursday 11am: As part of our Discovery Time "Little Acts of Kindness" we are visiting Ranui and will sing, dance, do gymnastics and present the residents with hand made Easter cards.
Thursday 2pm: Easter Paraliturgy in the church. We hope that many families can share with us this retelling of the Easter story in readings, drama and song.

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