Monday, 1 September 2014

Term 3 Week 7

Wow, this term is rocketing past.  Year 3 are very excited about heading off to camp this week and the year 2's are just as excited to have Mrs Eastwood and Mrs Donaldson as their teachers while I accompany our year 3's to Dunedin.
The skipping skills on show this afternoon were amazing - everyone has made great improvement in their skills, and it was terrific to watch the encouragement for each others attempts at new routines. Thank you to those people who brought in sponsorship money today, you have until Wednesday to have this money at the office if you asked people to sponsor you.
All the students made the staff very proud when we had the Catholic Review visitors in the school last week. They enjoyed being in the classrooms as well as chatting to children informally.
Friday: Assembly at 2:10 - room 6 will lead this.
Sunday 7th: School Mass for Father's Day.  Please be there by 8:50am and bring Dads and Grandads to celebrate this special day together. School uniform please.
With skipping just over. we move to Athletic Training in preparation for our athletic sports which will be held on Thursday 23rd October. We will be learning the skills associated with each event over the next 4 weeks - 3 this term and the first week next term.  It would be great if there were some parents able to assist with this. Training will start at 2pm Tuesdays 9th, 16th, 23rd Sept, 14th Oct and Thursdays 11th, 18th, Wednesday 23rd Sept. Please let me know if you are available and what is your specialist event!
School Photos will be taken on Friday 19th September - full winter uniform please.

Mercy Day Celebration: Monday 22 September - St John's Ranfurly will be visiting us this year.  More information to follow.

This week we start on the Sacrament Strand for Religious Education

  • Reading
  • Spelling - please revise 25th August list.  With maths advisor planning on Friday and musical rehearsal for most of the morning  today we didn't get last week's list tested and the new list tooled. This means that we will test on Friday and do 1st Sept list next week.
  • Eisteddfods - this term is a speech.  We will look at what is required next week, but everyone can think about what they would like to talk about.  Always a great idea to talk about something that really interests you.  I can see a few horse speeches coming up - there is lots to know about looking after them as well as riding techniques. These will be heard on Monday 22nd or Tuesday 23rd September.

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