Monday, 9 March 2015

Week 7 Term 1

Another busy week ahead of us!!

I am still catching up with everyone regarding what goes home when.  Poetry books go home on a Friday and need to be returned on a Monday morning when the new poem for the week is glued in.  Our class poem is part of the reading programme all week, so it is important that poetry books are at school.  Please sign the poem after you and your child have read it.  I hope that last week your child was able to tell you about "onomatopoeia".  We used the idea of the sound words from this poem to write some sentences about sounds at school. Come and check out our wall where some of these have been illustrated.  I was really impressed with the way so many groups used language so effectively. WALT: use onomatopoeia to hear the picture in the text i.e.: put a sound track to the visual picture we have in our minds.

Homework books: come home every night for you to record reading in the back.  These books go into the blue homework box on a Friday only.  I check each book before the Monday.  It is especially important from next week that these books are there as we glue in our spelling sheet then conduct and tool our spelling words on a Friday in preparation for the following week's learning. Last week and this week we are practising conducting and tooling on a homework sheet at school.  Each child should be able to tool and practise their spelling independently at home.

Friday = Library Day - please be sure to have your books ready to return as having a library book is part of reading for the weekend.  These go home in reading bags along with the poetry book. Books can be returned at any time to the library tray at the front of the classroom.

Scripture Reading Eisteddfods: will be heard on the Monday or Tuesday of Holy Week. I have posted the information for Year 3 separately.  Year 2 need to choose a prayer to say. They also need to say why they chose the prayer and be able to say it off by heart.  Note: Year 3's do not need to know their readings - they read from a bible and can choose to tell about the reading and read only 2 or 3 verses that they think are the most important. Please see me if you need any help with choosing.

Triathlon Training: This week Room 3 will be training for Monday's school triathlon. Please wear runners and your school sports uniform each day if you have one. Sports uniform is the school teeshirt, black shorts or green track pants.  If it is cold, the school jersey or sweatshirt is worn over the teeshirt - these are still uniform items - no pink sweatshirts!  I will check where the green track pants can be purchased from - anyone on the PTA will know. Wednesday and Thursday please bring your bike to school as we need to practise what happens in the transition between the run and the bike.  Last year everyone in Room 3 was very independent at this. Make sure that someone has checked that the handle bars are secure and the brakes work - don't forget your well fitted helmet. Bikes need to be stored in the bike racks near the sandpit, but helmets are hung on hooks in the corridor.

PTA AGM = Tuesday 10th March 7pm in the staffroom. The PTA welcome everyone to this meeting. It is a great time to hear what your PTA has done over the year to support your child's learning - and it is heaps!!  Information about a new structure for this group was in a recent newsletter.

Newsletter Information Forms: Last week everyone received a hard copy of the school newsletter as there were several important forms attached.  Hard copy was easier so that no-one needed to find a printer.  Please ensure that you received this and have returned the necessary forms to the school office. Thanks.

Year 2 School camp is on Thursday night. Mrs Flannery has rung the parents who indicated that they are available to attend. Please pay your $30 per child and $15 per adult to the school office as soon as possible. I will not be sleeping over on the Thursday night as I need to be at home with Alan, but will be there in time for breakfast. Year 3 will be buddied up with Room 5 to have an exciting Fantastic Friday. Library will be on the plan, so have those books back for Miss Passmore to return.

Year 2 Boat Making: As part of camp there is a technology challenge - building a boat that will float and race in the water race at the Forrest's orchard.  Now is the time to be collecting some bits and pieces and thinking about what you might use that would float. Boats are not to be built at home for this activity. 


  • Reading: Yes there has been reading every day, even when I was away. At times children may be bringing a well loved book from their browse box that you have seen before.
  • RE: check the front of the homework book, as there was a home RE activity last week for you to talk about.
  • Choosing a prayer or reading for the Scripture Eisteddfod
  • Triathlon training - take a run, bike ride or a swim - get yourself ready for Monday.
Have a great week.  Hard to believe how fast this term has gone.

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