Another busy week with Mr Hogue taking the class for Science on Monday and Tuesday from 9:15 - 11:15 while I continue with testing for the reports that are due this term. Mrs Eastwood enjoys the opportunity to share prayer with us at the start of the day.
Remember that Friday is Teachers Only Day - our focus is on upskilling our maths teaching.
Monday = School Triathlon.
I hope that everyone read the information sheet that came home in hard copy on Tuesday as well as the post on the blog. We will be catching a bus to the Aquatic Centre at 12:10. Parents please drop bikes at the venue and arrange for them to be uplifted at the end of the event. The approximate time of the years 1 & 2 races is 1pm with the Years 3 & 4 at 1:30pm. Note these are approximate times only, so plan to be there a little prior in case we are ahead of schedule. The competitive races for years 5 - 8 will be the first races run. These will be exciting - something for us to aim for as we move on through the school.
I was really impressed with how everyone managed the training for the run and bike section of this event as part of the PE programme last week. We are well prepared and confident about how to transition without parent assistance.
Sports Uniform: to be worn with school sunhat. Remember to bring plenty to drink and something extra to eat for after your event. At the end of the races children may go home with parents. I need to tick you off a class list before you leave please.
Reading: choose from your browse box on Monday or reread Thursday's book. There will be reading each day after that.
Maths: some Study Ladder activities are set - good to see a few people made a start on these last week. Congratulations Jacqui, what excellent results you have this week. Jacqui was the only year 3 person to use this for homework last week. Congratulations also to Lars, Jelena, David, Casey, Archie and Maggie who completed some of the set tasks. You champions!!
Spelling: will come home later this week. The list will be for both weeks 8 and 9 and will be tested on Friday 27th. (This week is Teacher's Only Day)
Bible Reading Eisteddfod: Year 3 please have your reading glued into your homework book. This week you need to be thinking about how you are going to introduce your reading. Your introduction needs to be in your homework book by Friday 27th. Year 2 you need to choose the prayer that you are going to say by heart, and have a copy of this in your book. Like Year 3 you need to think about why you chose this prayer. What does it mean to you? Why is it special?
Enjoy this beautiful autumn weather and have some family time together in our wonderful environment. If you have the opportunity see if you can find any yabbies in creeks or dams. I think some of your Science learning this week may be based around this.
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