Friday, 17 July 2015

Week 1 Term 3

Where have these holidays gone? It is great to see that our faulty heater has been replaced over the holidays and that the PTA has been busy setting up the uniform shop in what was once our corridor.
Once again as I look at the plan ahead of us, it seems that there is so much happening, so a heads up for you to put some dates on calendars nice and early.
Mrs Ward has been working hard on the Year 3 & 4 camp (1st & 2nd September at the Snow Farm) and information will come home during the first week of term. Exciting stuff!!
This is also the term that concludes with the Alexandra Blossom Festival, and yes, this is the year that the school enters a float. We will all be doing our small part to make this successful - "many hands make light work."
Room 3 will be leading the Friday Mass on 31st July, we would love you to join us for this.
School Cross Country Wednesday 12th August
School Mass - Sunday 16th August, where we will celebrate together the Feast of the Assumption.
School Photos - Monday 14th September.
Eisteddfod Speeches - Monday 21st September. Eisteddfod assembly speeches, Thursday 24th September at 1:30.

Holiday Scientists: Please bring back to school the bird observation sheets that you have from Mr Hogue.  11 people took a paper copy and it was exciting to hear that others of you completed this directly onto the website.

As we will be beginning some training runs for the cross country, please have some shoes suitable for running in at school each day. 

Sunshine-on-line has some great maths texts with activities that cover a range of maths learning in an interactive way. Have a look and a play.

Book Week: 27th - 31st July. There will be a Book Fair running in the library 2:30 - 4pm each day with longer hours on the Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Our School wide inquiry for term 3 is based around waste reduction. The Big Idea is "as a school we are learning to make a difference in our world by learning to reduce, re-use, recycle." We brainstormed what we wanted to find out about this at the end of last term - there is a very wide range of ideas and huge discussion about how we are affecting animals with our waste.  I was surprised at the snippets of knowledge that was shared.  Our questions are on the door of the classroom. 


Reading: This week I will be having a shuffle around of reading groups so some people may be bringing a favourite from the browse box to read at home.
Maths: we are beginning our measurement learning and will be doing lots of hands on activities.  Please bring a soft toy to school for maths on Tuesday.
Spelling: for the next 2 weeks we will be looking at the spelling patterns for the 'long a' sound
acorn        train         play      make   and level 4      eight

Looking forward to a great term of learning.  Thanks for all the support you give to your children and myself - we are a great team.

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