Monday, 27 July 2015

Week 2 Term 3

Kia Ora - this week is Maori Language Week. Much of our learning will have a strong Maori flavour this week.  Reading myths and legends, finding out about taniwhas, beginning our mihimihi booklets, looking at kowhaiwhai patterns and of course enjoying our waiata and kapahaka.
It seems as if the bugs have really hit Room 3 hard.  There seems to be 3 different bugs about, the diarrhoea and vomitting, a cough which lasts for a long time and a 'flu type bug with headaches, aches and pains and feeling very tired.  We talked today about how important it is to wash our hands carefully to protect ourselves from these ills as best we can.  To those who are at home - we hope you get better quickly and are back with us soon.
A change to the school mass date: this is now Sunday 30 August.
We have begun our cross country training, however it is quite a challenge for those students recovering from the ills and chills. It would be great if you could email or send a note if your child is not to participate in this in the meantime.
This Friday we are leading mass at 12:00 in the church. There are many jobs from reading to offertory gifts to singing.  I do hope more of us are on deck to help out!!
Assembly 2:10 will be led by Rooms 1 & 2.
On Wednesday Mrs Brydges will give us a tour of our new school gardens which are located beside and behind our classroom.  It will be great to see where our brain food scraps go after our compost bucket is taken away.  Last week we looked at what the words "Reduce" and "Reuse" mean and what we can do.
Book Fair = every afternoon. Mrs Rendall has this looking fabulous - pop in one day after 2:30 to take a look.


  1. Reading: don't forget your reading log.
  2. Spelling: long 'a' patterns. Remember to conduct and tool each night. Check carefully that you have spelled the long 'a' pattern correctly.  Tell Mum or Dad a sentence with your spelling word in it.
  3. Maths: check out Study Ladder - there are a selection of measurement activities which complement the hands on work that we are doing at school.
  4. Cross Country Training: find time to take a run, even if it is just a few times around your back yard - the more you do the easier it will be on the day.

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