Cross Country:
- On Monday Rooms 3 & 4 will be walking to the course over the Railway Bridge, walking the course then running the course. We are leaving the school at 1:30 after the afternoon roll is taken. All children need to be wearing their hi viz vests. Thank you Bernie, Gabriela and Helen for indicating that you are able to accompany us. Be sure that you have a drink bottle and a jacket - it can be chilly after a run. The year 2 run will be one lap with the year 3 course being 2 laps. I have spoken to Mrs Eastwood and Miss Passmore as our class seems to have been the hardest hit with bugs and consequently we have done the least training and some people only need to run 20 metres before they are coughing. I will be watching carefully, especially the year 3's who need to run 2 laps. Perhaps some may need to just do 1 lap this year owing to their health.
- Wednesday: School Cross Country - lunch will be at 12:00, and we will leave school at 12:30 to walk as a school to the course. Please check the information in the newsletter sent home in week 2 for the exact details. All years 5 - 8 races will be held first followed by years 1 & 2, with years 3 & 4 the last races of the day. Miss Passmore urgently needs the names of parents who can act as marshal for this event.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle sees us doing a 'waste audit' with Anna Robinson on Thursday 13th. Room 3 will be working with her from 9:45 till 10:30, and it would be a great help if there was a parent available to assist us with this initial audit. Please make sure that your child is wearing covered shoes, which we all will be, as we will be back in our full school uniform again - no running shoes.
PTA Uniform Shop: is open on a Monday after school. Some people have come asking on other days. The PTA have indicated that they will open if you have a need. A phone call needs to be made for this to happen. I do not have keys to see what is in their cupboards.
Gala/Fair: I see the box for mystery bottles is already in place in our corridor (the PTA shop area). Looks as if our busy PTA are well and truly organised well in advance. Please pop any contributions in here.
Science with Mr Hogue: this Tuesday morning and next Monday afternoon. I will be testing, ready for the next round of reports.
Friday 14th: Mass led by Room 1 & 2 at 12:00, and assembly led by Room 6 at 2:10. It would be great to see you there.
Reading: As we set up the use of a reading box which has a variety of text types on individual cards, some children will be bringing home books from their browse boxes. The reading box will enhance the reading programme this term by giving a range of text types for students to read and think about. This will not replace the guided reading groups, but will take a day or two to set up and have everyone confident in its use.
Eistedfod Speeches: These will be heard on 21st September. I have been asked for the WALTs for these. I'll post them next week after this week's writing teaching about the "hamburger". (A beginning, a middle and an end.) I always encourage children to talk about something that they are really interested in. We will be co-creating some speeches in class.
- Reading: every night and recorded in reading logs.
- Spelling: 'er' spelling pattern again this week. I am really impressed with how most of us are conducting and tooling. It is also exciting to see this skill being transferred into their writing.
- Maths: "What's My Number?", Study Ladder. Counting in 2's, 5's, 10's. Counting to 100 and back again. Estimating whether objects could be less than a metre, about a metre or greater than a metre.
- Cross Country Training
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