Sunday, 23 August 2015

Year 3 & 4 Ski Camp Update

Ski Camp 1st – 2nd September:
1. There is a camp meeting tomorrow night (Monday) at 7 pm in Room 4 for those parents attending camp, and for anyone else who has questions or concerns. 

2. Medical forms will be sent home tomorrow by Mrs Ward  and must be returned to school as soon as possible please. Parents attending camp can get their forms at the meeting tonight. 

3. Meadow Hut Ski Trip Day 2:
We will review the ability and participation levels of the children at the end of Day 1 before we commit the children and adults to the ski outing to Meadow Hut on Day 2. It is 4.5 km (one way) to Meadow Hut so we will have other options available for less able skiers on that day which will involve staying much closer to the Lodge. 

4. Meals for camp will be as follows:
- packed lunch from home to come in the children’s day bag when we leave on Tuesday morning
- evening meal catered by the Snow Farm Lodge
- breakfast catered by the Snow Farm Lodge
- packed lunch in children’s lunch boxes on Wednesday (this will be prepared early that morning at the Lodge by our adults using food brought with us)

5. Students will be divided into groups and allocated a parent/teacher for the whole of the trip. This is for everyone’s safety and will include bunkrooms. Male parents will be accommodated with male students, and female parents will be accommodated with female students.

6. Departure and arrival times:
The bus will need to be packed and away very close to 7 am so we ask that you meet at the Church car park at 6.45 am on Tuesday morning, 1stSeptember.
We aim to return to school at approximately 3 pm on Wednesday 2ndSeptember.

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