It was great to hear that so many people from our room attended the Saturday night picnic, games and Mass. Thank you to David and Adam who helped Room 4 with their presentation and I believe Lars took up the offering. Lovely to see you stepping up as part of our church family. Thank you also to the parents who supported this venture.
Triathlon: please see the school newsletter for full details of race times. This will be held next Monday 14th with the first race starting at 12:40 - the Year 5 - 8 competitive race. We will compete with year 4. The order of activities is run, bike then swim. There is a cup for the winners of this event. To be competitive for the cup the swim leg must be done as 2 lengths of the main pool. There is also the choice to complete 4 lengths of the therapeutic pool as part of the year 3/4 race. I will have the names of those swimming in the main pool for Mrs Flannery by Friday. If you have any concerns, please contact me. On the day of the triathlon we will travel to the pool by bus - parents will need to arrange for bikes to be delivered there and collected again at the end of the event. There will be no bus back to school and any children not taken home by parents will walk back to school with teachers. Please let me know before you take your child home, so that we can account for everyone. I will be marshalling at the bike transition.
Triathlon Training: will be our PE/fitness focus again this week. To allow for learning how to manage in the transition between running and biking it would be great if everyone could have a bike at school Tuesday - Thursday. Bikes need to be parked at the bike stands and helmets hung on the hooks outside the classroom. No bikes are to be ridden at playtime or lunchtime. Bikes can be stored in the classroom overnight,
Mass this Friday at 12:00 - Room 6 to lead.
Assembly at 2:10 led by Rooms 1 & 2.
Scripture Reading Eisteddfod: It's time to start thinking about a favourite text from the Bible that your child enjoys and can talk about. The reading needs to be read from a Bible and I think everyone in Room 3 will have received the gift of a Bible from the PTA when they started at St Gerards, so it should be easy. I will put up on the Blog the exact expectations once I have confirmed them with Mrs Ward, as we will need to present these together this year. All year 3 & 4 students are in the running for the eisteddfod cup. Some people may find it easy to read a longer text, but this is not the expectation as some stories are very long. Choose a few verses from your favourite story - the ones most important to you, and read them well -
you do not need to memorise them. This is Scripture
Reading. These will be heard on
Monday 11th April. Plenty of prior warning here. If anyone needs help to choose a text please see me.
Next week we will be working on a little technology as we have a bit of fun with all things Irish and design some leprechaun traps, which we will make on Friday. Any items of recycling that would be useful for this activity could be saved up and brought to school at the end of next week.
HELP: Some poetry and homework books are somewhere at home. As we use these every day at school they need to be here. Monday is the day we set up for the week and it's hard if you are playing catch up.
St Gerards School Computer and Internet Use:
Still a few people to return these signed up by parents. Please check with me if you are not sure.
- Reading
- Spelling
- Morning Programme preparation
- Maths - Study Ladder
- Dance Mat Typing - who has had a go at this?