Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Our School Garden

At the Community Garden we learned to identify 20 different plants - well that is how many names we shared with Mrs Brydges today.  We went into our school garden and explored the plants there - amazing Mrs Brydges could find 22 or 23 different plants and we were pretty smart at naming them too. We even recognised plants that were seeding so that we can use their seeds next year and had a taste of beans that have grown from seeds that we planted with Mr Hogue last year.  A great afternoon of learning.

 Weeding the Room 3 garden patch, before adding compost to get the soil ready for planting.
 What are these plants? Look at how many seeds 1 plant can produce.

 What are these plants? Small capsicums and carrots.
 Is our carrot as big as Mr Seymour's? Not quite but it is an interesting shape.
 What are we tasting? Apricots, yellow plums - no 'heritage tomatoes' that are yellow in colour. Yum!

 Working in the 'compost area' with Regina.
 Counting the plants that have grown from the senior school's experiment. 100 seeds sown in a seed tray and 100 sprinkled in the garden.  We could count more than 100 seedlings in the tray but only 4 or 5 in the garden plot.
 Bagging up compost for our part of the garden.
 Look at the size of this worm that is in the compost we are putting into our garden patch.

Thank you Sue, Regina and your helper for a great afternoon of learning. We will be the "Guardians of the Garden".

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