Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Triathlon Training - Run to Bike Transition

Thank you so much to the parents who have arranged for bikes to be at school.  We started our learning by looking at the parts of the bike that we needed to check to make sure that it was safe to ride - especially knowing which are the front and back brakes.  Thank you to those of you who have had bikes checked as all looked to be safe with no broken pedals, worn out hand grips and most people had their seats adjusted so well.  That was the bike safety part - then we moved on to our safety about what to wear - shoes and a correctly fitted helmet.
Then we were ready for the fun part.  We layed out a transition area and set our bikes up, ready to practise how to run in, put on our gear and push our bikes out to the cone before we got on to ride.  We then had to remember to get off our bikes again at the cone and run/walk and push our bikes back into the area before running ready for the swim.  A couple of injured classmates watched how we went and gave us feedback at the end of our session.  Well done Room 3 - you are budding triathletes.
Some photos below show us in action.  Apologies that there is a gender imbalance - I was helping one of our girls while the boys whirred into action.

Pushing out of the transition area to the cone before getting on to ride.

We all feel that we know exactly what we will need to do on the day, as only marshals will be allowed inside the transition area to help us.
We talked a bit about 'gears' as last year I noticed some younger students riding really hard but not going very far.  Please talk to you child about which gear/s will be the best for this activity.

Go Year 3

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