Monday, 13 February 2017

Maths Focus

In weeks 1 and 2 we worked on 'ME' maths where we recorded facts about ourselves, including some measurements of height, foot, hand span etc.  This information was then used to begin Statistical Investigations for the rest of last and this week.  We are learning to pose some questions for investigation, to sort out the data we collect, display it in a format such as a bar chart, and make statements about what the data tells us.  The children are beginning to understand that such data can be useful.  For example, by finding out the (average) heights of children aged 7 or 8, classroom furniture can be manufactured so that it is just right for them in years 3 and 4.  Clothing manufacturers know just how big to make clothes for that age group.  Hopefully you will discuss these ideas with the children so that they see how statistics applies to real life.
The other part of our maths focus is on probability.  We are finding out what is highly likely, somewhat likely, or not likely, through games and scenarios.  Other terms are used such as, certain, possible, impossible etc.
Next week we will begin numeracy knowledge and strategy lessons, with a focus on addition and subtraction.

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