Sunday, 26 February 2017

Week 5 Term 1

Wow, nearly half way through the term already.  It was wonderful to see parents join us at assembly on Friday.  I am very excited about the quality of language used in last week's writing.  This week we will be working on a recount of the swimming sports, which includes high quality language - "WOW words" we call them.
Tomorrow is school kapahaka.  We are practising now for the local school festival which takes place at Molyneux Park on Sunday 9th April. Room 3 will also be working with Ms Tamati for 20 minutes on Maori games.
Reading Eggs: I have registered the class on this site for the free trial period. that has been offered. When I had year 5&6 we also did this and many people enjoyed using this site for not only reading but writing activities as well. The site address, logins and passwords are on the inside cover of homework books.

Another busy week:
Monday: Kapahaka and Ms Tamati
Tuesday: Swimming sports - Ms Bennett will be taking the roll at the pool at 8:55am. If you have a child arriving at school by bus on Tuesday, please let me know urgently so that we can arrange sufficient transport from school to the pool for them. We will travel back to school by bus.
Wednesday: Ash Wednesday mass 9am in the church.  Room 3 will be leading this mass. We would love for you to join us. I will be at Reading Recovery In-service in the afternoon so Ms Bennet will be teaching.
Thursday: New Zealand Playhouse performance 1:30 pm


Reading: Great to see  most people reading every night now. Sunshine on line and reading eggs can also be recorded here.
Spelling: Lists are coming home this week. The process for doing this is well established with most  people and they can explain how SAY, SOUND, COVER, WRITE, CHECK works - I realise that I have forgotten to add check to this week's sheet. This list will be tested on Friday morning and I will record their scores in their books. 
Religious Education: Ms Bennett will send home an activity every now and then.
Triathlon Training: Please make sure that your bikes are in good condition and have these at school on Monday 6th to practise the run to bike transition process, ready for the triathlon on Tuesday 7th. Take a run, swim or bike ride to get ready for the event.

Have a great week.

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