Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Fantastic Room 3 Sentences

WALT: Use interesting sentence starts,

Clicketty clack, tumble and tap went the leprechaun's stash of gold as he digs it up. Amelia

Clicketty clack went the hammer of the leprechaun as he made two little wooden, pointed, belled shoes. Lily

Tippetty tap, tippetty tap went the leprechaun going across the stony path. Savanah

Clicketty clack went the leprechaun's shoes on the stony path. Ted

Crash bang went the leprechaun as he tripped over a hard rock, he was bursting with tears. Splish splash went the leprechaun as he stepped into the gigantic puddles. Eden

Slippery slide went the leprechaun on the frosty path and clicketty clack went his shoes.  Tara

Jingle jangle, the leprechaun had a sandal and a candle. Charlotte K

Clicketty clack went the leprechaun with his rickety axe. Taine

Tip tip the leprechaun, going along the path. Trottle trottle getting his gold and no-one sees him. Bella  B

Slippery slide as the leprechaun slides on the icy grass. Jedi

Clicketty clack went the leprechaun with his rickety axe. Tippetty tap went the leprechaun across the stony path to get to the gold. Jada

Sniffle snuffle went the leprechaun in the bushes. Click clack went the leprechaun making his gold.  Jack

Slippery slip went the leprechaun as he slipped on the slimy, slithering snail's path. Charlotte O

Clicketty clack went the leprechaun walking down Leprechaun Town on the footpath.  Findlay

Tippetty tip went the leprechaun as he stumbled across the grassy track to get to the shining gold. Slippery slip went the leprechaun as he tumbled down, he slipped and landed in a prickly bush. Liam

The little leprechaun went klititty klat, klititty flat  along the metal road, then he sloshed through the bushes with his pointy red shoes with bells on. Pippa

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