Monday, 20 March 2017

Scripture Reading Information

Scripture Reading Challenge 2017

  • Your scripture reading can be anything you like, eg. a parable, a psalm, a reading from the Gospels.

  • Introduction: Years 3/4: 15-20 seconds. This is a time to use the main ideas or theme of their scripture reading to make up a small speech explaining what the reading means to them, without retelling the reading – ie. ‘What the story of the Last Supper tells/demonstrates/means to me is ...... ‘

  • The Reading:  for Year 3 & 4 should be 1 – 1.5 minutes long, it will just be some verses of the Scripture.

  • Format for scripture reading on the day: Students will start with their introduction, then  say “This is a reading from eg. Matthew Chapter3, Verses 1 -14 ...” then start the reading. At the end, if it is a gospel reading only say, “The Gospel of the Lord” otherwise they say “The Word of the Lord”.

  • Timetable: Monday  10th or Tuesday  11th April, class Eisteddfods will be heard,
-       Eisteddfod assembly will be on Thursday 13th April in the church, names will be in the school newsletter.

  • For students to remember:
-       When reading from the Bible you do not have to look up at your audience all the time
-       Use good expression when you read.
-       Do not read too fast.
-       Pause correctly.
-       You do not have to learn you reading off by heart but you should learn your introduction.

-       Make sure your words and voice are very clear, so that your audience understands.

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