Sunday, 10 September 2017

Week 8 Term 3

This week is both Social Justice Week and Maori Language Week. Have another look at our days of the week clapping game in poetry books and polish up on the days of the week in Maori.
We welcome the Catholic Review team to the school this week. They will be in classrooms and about the school watching lessons and talking to children and teachers. Please make them feel welcome as we do so well with any visitors to our school.
Uniform: a reminder that either summer or winter uniform can be worn, but not a mixture of both. After a warm week it looks like a blast from Antarctica this week. Remember that colourful runners are not part of the regular school uniform.
Tuesday: Confirmation - 6pm in the church with Bishop Colin: please support our Year 4 students who are taking their next step in their faith journey.
Sports Uniform Wednesday and Friday: Dance with Mrs Chamberlain on Wednesday afternoon and the final gymnastics session on Friday. Last week Sharelle and I assessed the skills that have been taught over the last 8 weeks. So many people have gained confidence and skills in a range of physical activities. Forward and backward rolls are one area that some of us need to work on in the future.  Thank you Sharelle for your lessons along with the awesome warm up games.
Wednesday Parish Mass at 9am. This week it is our turn to take leadership roles at mass. Readings and prayers of the faithful came home on Friday, so that they could be practised. We hope you can join us as we meet together as God's family, and share His meal in the Eucharist.
Friday Assembly: 2:10 in the hall led by Room 5. We might get a wee look at their amazing ski trip.
Next Tuesday 19th September: Bike trip to Koura Farm - see separate post. This information will also come home as a hard copy on Monday.
Friday 22 September: The Gathering - a professional development day for teachers in catholic schools. School will be open on this day - please let Mrs Turnhout know if your child will be at school on this day. Our kapahaka group will be providing a welcome on this day, with children either returning to school or home after the welcome.

  1. Reading
  2. Spelling: Mixed words for the rest of the term as we revise the spelling patterns that we have worked on so far this year. Make sure that you look for the long vowel patterns in the words. This was an area we all still need to work on - identified in the spelling testing done on Monday.
  3. Social Justice Week activity: a connection card 
  4. Speeches: We made a start last week looking at the structure of a speech. Charlotte and Lily did an amazing job of reconstructing a cut up speech, finding the attention grabbing opening, putting some facts into a logical order, then finding the closing sentence. This week we will look at getting our information as well as writing exciting openings. Don't let this stop you from organising your speech at home.
  5. Maths: websites for practice. How are you all going on Maths Buddy? Remember that this freebie is for us to trial what is available. You will be asked at the end of the year for your opinion on whether this should be funded in 2018.
An activity for Social Justice Week is to share a "little act of kindness" at home and reflect on how this makes us feel. Check the poetry books at the end of the week, as our poem is entitled "Kindness".

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