Central Otago Athletics:
Good luck to the Room 3 people competing at these. They will now be held on Wednesday - cancelled for Tuesday.
LIFE Education:
We are learning about 'decision making'. We have talked about how to deal with our worries and what to do if someone is "bugging" us. Have a chat with your child about what they have learned. Thank you Pip and Harold.
These will be heard next Monday and Tuesday. We are working on how to structure these in class and are writing one. These can be used by those who do not have help at home. Some people have already worked on theirs at home, so start working on your presentation now. Remember we will be listening for that 'wow' opening.
Do you
know which creature has green blood? Blood is red, isn’t it?
You need to grab the audience's attention.Reading:
Remember to read every night and have someone read to you. From my personal professional development reading, this sharing of books is a very important part of 'learning to read'.
We are revising our spelling learning in our lists.
Lots of homework books with the lists in were not at school for tooling on Friday or today.
My responsibility is to do the teaching - the students' responsibility is to do the learning, and that means the practising of what we have been taught. To do this we all need our homework books at school to correctly tool the list before it goes home.Room 3 Christmas Café
Thursday 6th December at 2pm in Room 3. We will writing the invitations this week, making a gift with Mrs Laidlaw on Tuesday and planning the food and entertainment next week. This is our Christmas outreach. Invitations will be sent to some of the older parish members, neighbours and grandparents. We will also learn how to be hosts and have intersesing conversations with our guests. I will need some parents to help children with the food preparation - time to be confirmed.
Church Prayer:
We will be leading prayer next Monday in the church at 9am. Please join us.
Summer uniform:
Just a reminder that blue runners are not summer uniform shoes. Please check out the uniforms. Sunhats every day please - seems absurd with the snow at the moment.
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