- set out a letter correctly
- write 3 sentences
Dear Parents,
Thank you for helping us to get our skates off and on at the ice skating rink, and encouraging us to skate well. Thank you for getting onto the ice with the Room one and twos. Thank you for coming to the pool and helping us get togs off and on.
We learned from Andrew how to skate faster and have stronger legs. We can now all do bubbles with our strong legs. We can even do bubbles backwards. Thomas M and Harry learned how to jump higher and do a spin for longer. We all tried our best.
At swimming we learned how to float, do back stroke and swim much further and faster. Some of us even did two laps. We were all tested to see how much better we have got.
The best things about skating was doing all the games with Andrew. He even taught us about primary and secondary colours. Yesterday was awesome because we went skating in the snow. When we were skating we put out our tongues and caught the snow flakes. It was fun.
Love from
Room 3
Wow look at this - we even have paragraphs!
- a thank you paragraph
- a skating paragraph
- a swimming paragraph
- a 'best things' paragraph
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