Sunday, 27 July 2014

Week 2 Term 3

Our first week back flew.  Thank you everyone for having your homework books at school on Friday.  They are all checked and ready now to take home with spelling lists tooled.  We are all getting very independent with conducting and tooling in class on Friday mornings. Please remember that Friday is our library day.  I do expect everyone to take a book out, not possible if you have 3 at home.

On Friday at house buddy reading we all listened to the first of the songs for this year's musical "Cinderella - Rockafella".  Everyone in Kiwi house enjoyed the first song - a catchy big opener.  This will be an exciting term! The musical will be performed in week 9.

The Book Fair opens next week with the theme "Catch the Reading Bug".  In preparation for this and our dressing up on Friday 8th, we are reading books about bugs and finding out interesting information to share.  Our Eisteddfod this term will be a speech and will be heard on Monday 22nd September.  Some people may want to think about using some bug information to talk about.  Talking about something that is your passion is always the best idea.  More about eisteddfods later in the term.

Interviews Tuesday and Wednesday this week.  Please remember to bring your child with you so that they can share their learning with you and talk about their next steps. If you need a time to discuss anything without your child's presence, please make a time with me.

Last week for maths we looked at how artists use shapes in their work. "Cubism". We have made some interesting pictures with shapes and can use clear mathematical language to describe our work.  We have also designed our own quadrilateral pictures by tracing around quadrilateral shapes.  Some are really stunning.

Please remember to wear running shoes to school each day as for fitness we are training for the school cross country.


  1. Reading: - remember to complete your log.  Great to hear so many of you before school. We are all working on having our reading sound like talking, and reading on if we get stuck, then rerunning to think about which word could start with that initial letter and have the sentence make sense.
  2. Firewise continues this week for Year 2.  Everyone received a home book on Thursday with a dvd.  Well done Ana on your well drawn escape plan.  Nicolas has been checking that we have everything "a metre from the heater" in the classroom.
  3. Spelling: great to see how most people are taking care to be independent with learning their spelling.  Don't forget to tell Mum or Dad a sentence for each word - no need to write these down.
  4. R.E: I have given a few special stickers to people who have been able to say the Lord's Prayer to me. You are amazing to have learned it in such a short time.  The challenge is there for everyone else.  This week Year 2 have a worksheet to complete about 'imagination being a gift from God'. 

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