The school musical will be performed in week 9 - we are just waiting for the music and script to arrive so that we can start rehearsing. Later in the term we will let you know how you can help with costumes. The school production is always an exciting evening not to be missed.
The school
cross-country will be held on the afternoon of Wednesday 6 August so we are training for cross
country each day as part of our fitness programme. Please wear a pair of runners to school for this training - leave your school shoes at home. We will head to the actual track to have a run closer to the event and children will need to wear shorts/track pants that day.
PMP this term
will only be on Wednesdays. If you are able to help please fill in the
timetable on Room 1 door. This is from 2pm for a set up, PMP starts at 2.15pm
and finishes at 2.50pm.
Please feel free
to join us for assembly this
week at 2.15pm in the hall. Room 4 are the leaders.
Don't forget to book for the parent interviews next week - this is specially for those who are receiving reports now. It is expected that the students come to the interviews so that they can share their learning with you. Remember though, that I am available to meet at any time if you need to talk about your child's learning.
We are beginning a Firewise fire safety unit. Each Year 2 child will receive an information booklet with a dvd to keep at home. Children are checking that the handles of the pots on the stove are facing away from the edge of the stove, and looking out for other areas where they need to keep safe around fire at home.
- Reading each night. Lots of people are really whizzing away with their reading - 'the more you read., the better you get'. Great to have reading sounding like talking shared with me before school.
- Spelling: - please tool and work through the spelling list each night.
- R.E: - a challenge to learn the Lord's Prayer off by heart - some people are almost there. Some beautifully illustrated prayers.
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