Saturday, 14 May 2016

Belated details of MP Crew on the 6th May

6th of May Morning Programme Crew
This is the crew who were lucky enough to share MP with Mrs Beilby, back on the 6th of May, while I was away in Doubtful Sound.

Casey spoke about "our place," Nelson.
Greer taught everyone "how to" hold a baby correctly and had lovely photos of herself and Payton holding their new baby cousin.
Adam spoke about a "famous cricketer,"  Kane Williamson.
Lily spoke all "about herself." Check out the beautiful places where she used to live - her poster is in the Uniform Shop doorway.
Otis talked about a "current event," can you guess what it was? Otis had all the gear to model and wasn't too bad on the duck quacker, a bit more practice needed before he can enter a duck quacking competition. 

Thank you Mrs Waldron - I was just going to comment, but have added a little. What well planned and interesting Morning Programmes - how I wish I could hear all of them.

1 comment:

  1. I had a sneaky suspicion Mrs Beilby would really enjoy listening to some of our Morning Programme presenters. :-)
