Sunday, 22 May 2016

Week 4 Term 2

We are beginning to use our weekly poem to practise presenting a poem in preparation for our poetry eisteddfod which will be heard on Monday 4th July.  It seems a long way off but the way this term is flying it will be on us in no time at all. Jill Eggleton is a favourite writer of children's texts for me and I have a range of her poems that we will use this term as our poetry component of the reading programme. Please, there are some poetry books at home after the weekend. With weeks of lots of interruptions it is really hard to play catch up when poems are not in books on a Monday morning. Great though that they had been out of reading folders at the weekend!!
I have had the same problem with reading books, so will need to keep journals at school until we have finished, as it is difficult when we get down to 1 between 3 as the other texts are at home. Please have a good look for those missing books.  It is really important now as we have more children coming through and more people in reading groups. Lots of new texts were purchased last year, let's make sure that they get well used, but also get returned to school.

Swimming: Tuesday & Thursday - togs or a note please. A good idea to bring a warm jacket to put on after the lessons as we are suddenly into winter.

It is our turn to lead Assembly this week - 2:10 on Friday in the hall. I'm hoping that we will have a play to present - if we can find enough journals that went home & also Mrs Flannery will show the work that was done on book creator.

Sunday 29th May = School Mass.  Please be seated by 8:50. This is a special time to join with our parish family as we celebrate the Eucharist.


  1. Reading - great to see some people reading really exciting books
  2. Spelling - long 'a' patterns
  3. Morning Programme preparation
  4. Poetry Eisteddfod - start looking for that special poem.  At this level it is expected that it will be memorised and performed, rather than read.  Any troubles finding one please see me over the next couple of weeks.  Poems from our weekly reading are fine and shouldn't take too long to polish.
  5. P.E. - swimming, pack your togs, goggles and towels Tuesday & Thursday. Super to see how quickly everyone is developing new skills and the confidence to swim in the main pool - 6 in the group there whose strokes are really improving.
Have a great week - we are practising using the 'fruits of the spirit' as we work and play together.

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