Sunday, 29 May 2016

Week 5 Term 2

Almost half way through the term already. Thank you to all those who attended the school mass. Mason represented our class as a reader and we all shared our voices in the various songs.
It was great to see those of you who were able to join us at our assembly last week. We had the whole school singing our "Fruits of the Spirit" song with enthusiasm, and we read our poem with great expression.
Poetry Eisteddfod: will be heard Monday 4th July with the eisteddfod assembly on Thursday 7th at 1:30.  Choose something that you can learn off by heart and really present with gusto.  We have been working on this each week with our weekly poem. It's fine to use a class poem as most people will be well on the way to knowing them. A short introduction about why you chose the poem and perhaps some information about the poet starts this eisteddfod.
Swimming: Tuesday and Thursday this week, then Tuesday only next week.  Remember your togs after the holiday weekend.
Year 3 & 4 Camp dates have been confirmed.  Wednesday September 7th till Friday September 9th in Dunedin and Otakau (the marae on the peninsula). We are getting the 'ducks in order' before  sending further information home.

We are starting to get those winter ills and chills.  Please remind your children that they must wear their shoes outside (and in the classroom), and have something warm to put on at playtime and lunchtime, fresh air - a great way to stop the spread of these germs.  This year we have our hanging onions from the school garden to try to keep the classroom environment as healthy as possible.  Thank you Sue and Regina.

Homework books: Sorry these did not come home today (Monday).  I did not manage to check the spelling tooling as I was on duty at lunchtime.  I can usually do this over the weekend, as we tool on a Friday, however we were preparing our assembly last Friday.


  1. Reading
  2. Spelling: the focus for the next 2 weeks is the long 'e' vowel sound.  The spelling patterns are identified in the 'to learn' column of the spelling sheet.  I am really excited at how well we are managing to conduct and tool the lists - right up to the 2 people working on Level 5.  Just amazing what we can do when we focus carefully on the task.  At Year 3 we need to be working on Level 3 at the end of the year.
  3. Religious Education: Family activity to share a Fruit of the Spirit at home.  It was fantastic today to hear about all the Fruits that had been shared throughout the day in Room 3 - keep this up.
  4. Poetry Eisteddfod
  5. Swimming: WALT self manage and have our togs, towel and goggles in our bags.  Please no lunch ordered or pie warmers - quite tricky finding these before we get on the bus.  Thanks for your help with this - only 3 more days.
  6. Maths: check what Mrs Waldron has on Study Ladder
Have a great week.
Enjoy putting our Religious Education teaching into action.

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