Monday, 1 August 2016

Week 2 Term 3

Where did that first week go?  After getting excited about snow it seems that we only have the cold winds from the Antarctic.  Great for having ice to skate on and to really feel what "Jack Frost" does according to our poem this week.

Last 2 days of skating - remember to be at school before the bell on Tuesday, as the bus will leave at 8:55am.

Years 3 & 4 Camp: the first information sheet has come home today (Monday) with the dates and the planned programme. This is in preparation for the camp consultation meeting which will be held in Room 4 on Thursday 4th at 7pm. At this meeting we will answer any questions, and forms will be given out to be completed for each child. This form also asks for parental assistance.  If you are unable to attend this meeting, your child will be given this form on Friday - so please check the reading bag.  The children were very excited about what is planned.

Cross Country we have been training each day for this event.  On Thursday (weather permitting) we will leave school at 1:30 to walk to the track over the Road/Rail bridge to walk the track, then have run over it.  Years 3 & 4 will complete 2 laps at the cross country. We need some parents who are able to walk to and from the track with us please. I will be pleased to hear from any willing walkers.

Waste Audit with Anna Robinson will be this Thursday 4th at 11:40am. Any parents who wish to join us would be welcome.  We will be investigating what we have thrown in the rubbish this week, and the seniors will be comparing what we found with the amount of rubbish we had last year.  A great opportunity to see whether we are becoming more enviro friendly as a school.  Hopefully there will be far less rubbish than we had last year, with us having 'nude lunches', recycling and composting.

Interhouse School Olympics will be held on Thursday 18th August.  This will be organised by our senior leaders - you'll agree that they did a fantastic job of the Rippa Rugby tournament on the last day of term.

Assembly on Friday at 2:10 led by Rooms 1 & 2


  1. Reading - the more you read, the better you get - write up your reading in your log every night.
  2. Spelling: Long 'u' for levels 2 & 3. Listen carefully for this sound - spelling patterns are u split e (cube), ew (new) or just u (uniform). Levels 4 & 5 have practised these patterns, but have a variety of words to conduct, tool and listen for sounds.
  3. Maths - study ladder
  4. Cross Country runs - fitness
  5. Morning Programme preparation
  6. Olympics in Rio - what can you find out?

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