Sunday 1 March 2015

Year 1 & 2 Camp

Camp notice, timetable and permission slip as well as police vetting slips have all gone home today.
Please have back at school tomorrow. Police vetting forms for parents wanting to go must be back by Thursday at the latest.
As this year we have limited spaces for adults because of the beds available, make sure you get your slips in early so we can advise parents on Friday who will be attending camp. Some parents may not be able to stay so it is very important that you state if you have a reason why you need to stay.
Thanks heaps
Julie, Sue and Chris

Basic information:
Children and parents meet at the Alexandra Tourist Park, Ngapara St  at 6pm Thursday 12th March. Tea provided (fish or hot dog and chips), bring sleeping gear & togs. Children to be dropped off - only parents staying to remain. Julie will provide fruit, Room 1 & 2 loaves of sliced bread suitable for sausages or toast, Room 3 baking.


  • Tea 6pm, group activity, Technology - boat making for boat races in rooms, supper.
  • Friday breakfast, pack up gear, bus to Orchard Garden (9:45 am) - maze & ice block, to Forrest’s orchard (10:45) - tour and tasting, lunch - sausages, bread, sauce,  fruit.  Return to school 1.45pm.

    A fuller note will be in the children's reading folders tomorrow.

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