Saturday 3 February 2018

Week 2 Term 1

A busy week for us this week.

Monday: Kapahaka at 11am
Tuesday: Waitangi Day  - family picnic and games at Pioneer Park 11am - 1pm. All welcome.
Wednesday: Ukelele - We will have our first ukelele lesson with Bella's grandad Mr Benrose from 10:40 till playtime. How exciting is this? Ukeleles provided.
Swimming 1 - 1:30 - hopefully the therapeutic pool is all sorted this week. Swimmers will be sorted into ability groupings and some of Room 3 will be swimming in the main pool with Mrs Dwyer, while those less confident swimmers from Room 4 will work in the therapeutic pool to improve their skills before the swimming sports. To make sure that we can monitor the class in the water I would appreciate a couple of parents each swimming day. Parents would supervise a group while I taught the other group. This means that everyone can be in the water all the time.
Thursday: Meet the Teacher 5:30 - 7pm. Room 3 is in the second group of classes to meet.
Friday: Assembly 2:10 run by Room 3. We will have to get our skates on to have something to share.

This week the new diaries will come home. It has been decided that both Years 3 & 4 will use a diary this year. We will learn how to use these effectively so that we can increase our self management skills. Once we are bringing texts home to read, the title of the book read needs to be written into the correct date. In the meantime children can record the title of a browse box book or a book they have read at home. Thank you in anticipation for your help with learning how to use a weekly diary at home. There is such super information and also puzzles that can be done at home. As this diary is designed by a Catholic supplier, the content is perfect for us. Mrs Stratford may set some pages in here to share as a homework activity.

Please have a scout round at home for your Reading folder. To keep reading books and diaries clean and dry I expect everyone to use a reading folder. Some people used theirs on Friday to bring their poetry books home. Poetry books always come home on a Friday so that the weekly poem can be enjoyed. This is often a great place to find a poetry eisteddfod, too, as by the end of term 2 there will be a good selection which will already be partially known. I was so surprised on Friday to have 2 girls recite the whole poem, and we had only just looked at it. WOW!

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