Sunday 3 May 2015


St Gerard's School
Organic Garden Foraging List

The enviro group dug four garden plots last week. We are meeting again this Wednesday 6th May to begin developing the soil. We are needing lots of goodies to add to the soil, if anyone can provide any of the following please bring them along to school at 1245pm on Wednesday or please contact Mr Yeoman (

Always think or ask – is this foraging item straight from nature???  GOOD for our garden
Has it been treated with a chemical or had medicine added??? NOT SUITABLE

          For the Garden                                                
          Ash from fire (make sure it is no longer hot or even warm!!)                
          Horse Poo (but can't have been wormed recently)
          Chicken Poo
          Lupin leaves
          Yarrow leaves
          Comfrey leaves
          Lleaves (slightly rotted so they won't blow away)

          For the Compost Bins
                      old carpet to cover the top of the bins
                      old bricks to keep the above on
                      old paint tins at least 5L, to make compost teas (cleaned up of paint)
                      crushed shells
                      sawdust (but not with oil in it from chainsaw)
                      vegetable scraps
                      nettle (no seeds and use gloves to pick as it will give you a nasty rash – grows wild)
                      dandelion leaves

                      Big plastic bags (to collect leaves and other things, also to rot things down faster)

                      Any gardening tools no longer wanted at home

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