Friday 16 September 2016

Morning Programme 16-09-16

First up today was Casey who introduced us to a New Zealander who became famous back in 1955 (have you worked out how many years ago that was?) for the role she played in trying to help save the extension of Nelson's railway line to the West Coast.  This was really important to people at the time as it was how goods were delivered and a form of travel.  Ruth and four other woman travelled to a small rail station at a place called Kiwi, where they sat for a whole week in a shed on the railway line to try and block the demolition.  Their protest got attention all around the world but unfortunately, it was unsuccessful and the railway was scrapped.  What is extra special about Ruth Page is that she later became a neighbour of Casey's great-nana.  Casey's Mum can remember visiting her for a chat and a cuppa.

Next up was Adam, who gave us a book review of "Geronimo Stilton, A Race Against Time" by Elisabetta Dami.  In this story Geronimo (a mouse) travels back through time to the Ice Age, ancient Greece, and the Renaissance.  Adam recommends this book and all the Geronimo Stilton books because they are good for boys and girls to read and they make you want to read more.  The author uses interesting fonts and funny words like "enormouse!"

Amelia was next.  She demonstrated how to make an origami swan.  Step by step she showed and told us how to fold a rectangle piece of paper.  It was a lot like making a paper plane and it even flew!  Here's a link to try one, this is a little trickier than Amelia's:

Next up was Otis, who told us all about himself.  Who knew Otis was named after a brand that makes Escalators - he's definitely going up in this world!  His middle name, John is a family name, the same as his Dad, his Poppy and his Poppy Pete which is really special.  Otis used to live just down on Killarny Street, but now he lives in the house where his Dad grew up and even sleeps in his Dad's old room.  Otis loves hunting with his Dad and sister, Zaria and going for walks along the river track with all his family and Tessa the dog.

Next was Greer who told us about a Current Event - our very own Sophie Pascoe and the success she is having at the Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro.  This is Sophie's third olympics and she has now won 9 gold medals and 6 silver meaning she is NZ's most successful paralympian.  Sophie became disable at age 2 when she got accidentally caught under her Dad's ride-on lawnmower and had to have one of her legs amputated.

Finally today was Charlotte who told us how to make a cake, using only 4 ingredients, yes, only 4!  She told us we needed 1 1/2 cups of self raising flour, 3/4 cup of caster sugar, 1 cup of thickened cream and 2 eggs. She explained the method, which was easy-peasy, then yes, that's right she gave us a piece to try and... it was delissimo.  She also gave us each a copy of the recipe to try at home.  

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