Monday 12 September 2016

Week 8 Term 3

It was wonderful to hear the chatter amongst everyone this morning about the learning and total enjoyment of camp - well worth all the organisation.
Thank you so much to the parents who accompanied us - you were all invaluable, and the way you all took part in the activities really encouraged everyone to get the best out of the experiences.
Our bus driver, Peter even gave us an extra experience by suggesting that the albatrosses would be flying in the strong wind and drove us down to the heads to look.  There were one or two that we spotted from the bus, but only saw what seemed like hundreds of seagulls flying and roosting.  Thank you, Peter.  Jacko spotted an albatross swoop right past the dining room window at tea time - wow we had to be quick to see it as it lined up the heads to land.
Rooms 3 & 4 will lead assembly at 2:10 this week - sharing of our camp. Mrs Ward is busy making an amazing i-movie of the photos taken, which she will show as part of this. She is happy to make copies for people to have - not before the holidays - watch the blog as to how you can get your copy.
Friday Mass 12:00 - lead by Rooms 5 & 6
This Sunday many of our Year 4 children are celebrating the sacrament of confirmation at the 9:00am mass.  Please support them as they take another step in their journey towards becoming full members of the church.

This last two weeks of term only gets busier!!
Athletic Training: begins this week. Tuesday and Thursday from 2:10 till 2:50, then Monday & Wednesday next week. Please wear school sports uniform for this training. It is easiest to come to school in school track pants, black shorts, school tee-shirt and school jersey/sweatshirt on these days.
Uniform: can be either summer or winter until the end of the term - no mixing parts of each.  Mrs Eastwood spoke to everyone about this option.
Kapahaka: performed in their costumes to the school - it was fantastic.  Great to see some parents attend this dress rehearsal. I'm feeling very proud of the group.  Thank you Mrs Williams and Mrs Battrick for fitting and altering the dresses for this year's group.
Blog: I try to have this blog up by Monday night rather than Sunday as I can make sure that the information I have on this is up to date from the Monday Staff Meeting or Syndicate Meeting.  If there is extra information after this time, an extra blog is posted.  I hope I explained this at the Meet The Teacher Evening at the beginning of the year and that everyone is happy with this.

  1. Reading = words from the musical songs.  There are 3 in books to learn by heart and others will be added later in the week.
  2. Spelling: "ou" sound.  Test on Friday.
  3. Eisteddfod Song: these will be presented next Monday and Tuesday with the Eisteddfod assembly at 1:30 on Thursday 22nd September. Songs can be something that we have sung at school, a waiata that is well known, a song from the musical or one of your own choice.

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